Reed Max - Christmas Day II

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When I arrive at the house to get Reena, I'm greeted at the door by her mother who has a cup of very strong alcohol. She greets me with a nod and then gives me a rather uncomfortable chat about how Reena isn't doing anything around the house. I try to explain to her that she can't because she's pregnant and needs to rest but she rambles on, even going as far as to say it's my fault the house is not clean.

When she walks away and I step in, I notice that the house is spotless and my mind runs on Reena. I shake my head and make my way upstairs to Reena's room, and of course, Reena is lying on her back fast asleep. She's wearing a nice dress that's laced and shows her small round belly. I move closer to her bed and move my face to hers where I kiss her on her forehead, and her eyes slowly open and she smiles.

"Hey." she says and I pull her up.

"Hey sleepy head." she rolls her eyes and yawns, and I kiss her on the cheek.

"What time is it?" she asks and I look at my watch, "Time to go."


Before leaving the house, I make sure she's double wrapped in sweaters, socks and scarfs. I cover her head, hands and feet. She keeps smiling at me and I smile back at her.

When we get into the car, she asks to sit in the back with Summer, who is surprisingly nice to her. Then as we drive off, Summer and Lucas begin questioning her about everything.

"So, do you like-like Max or..."

Reena looks at Summer and gives a little laugh when she catches me watching her in the mirror she smirks. "He's okay."

Lucas grins and I shake my head. "Okay, so you want a girl or boy?"

Before she can answer, Lucas pipes up. "I hope it's a boy, girls are too much to handle."

That earns him a dark look from both girls and I narrow my eyes at him. "What? C'mon you can't disagree. With girls you have to worry about all guys out there, with a son, you just worry about one and that's him."

Reena pulls her self closer to my seat and looks at my cousin. "I'm pregnant." she says and Lucas glances at me, "I know."

"Reed did it."

I turn my head and look at her and she's grinning. "Something you want to say?"

"You do know we're both to blame right?"

"Exactly!" She drops back and begins laughing. "Girls and boys are equal."

Lucas laughs loudly, while Summer chuckles with Reena. I just state at her, admiration swelling in my heart. For the rest of the journey, she and Lucas continue the discussion about why it's better to have a boy baby, and why it doesn't matter.

When he pulls up to the house and he and Summer go on into the house, I stay behind with Reena who is very nervous about meeting the rest of my family.

"Reena, it'll be okay."

"You weren't going to say otherwise." she rubs her hands together and opens the door. I move to help her get inside and when we do, the entire family is there, waiting.

"Okay... Everyone this is Reena, my girlfriend." I pull her forward and clasp her hands in mine.

She smiles and waves a nervous hand. Everyone's quiet for a minute before some begin smiling and start moving towards her, embracing her in three arms.

Not all do though, and they're the ones that worry me because in their eyes I notice the dirty stares. After the introductions, I tell her to head to my room and I'll be up in a minute. When I see that she's gone, I head over to Marcus, Jason and Aaron.

"Man, you didn't tell us she was black." Marcus stares at the stairs and makes a disgusted face.

I drop my head to the side, "And that's supposed to matter because?"

"She's black, and you are white," Jason states, giving me an awkward look.

"Again, what's so important about that?" I say, trying not to raise my voice.

Marcus steps close to me and whispers in my ear. "Look, you're not dumb. Do you really want to be seen with a black girl, worse have a child with one?"

I push him off. "Don't."

"Don't what?" Aaron says, smirking. "Talk about your black girlfriend, although I have to admit she is cute. Really cute, but that's not going to work in this family Max."

I grind my teeth and take a deep breath. "What you guys think is irrelevant. She's mine."

"Is the baby yours at least?" Marcus says and they all laugh, which makes me pissed.

Before I can punch him in the face, I hear steps coming down the stairs and turn to see Reena. She's only wearing her dress and she looks beautiful.

When she notices us, she clears her throat and places a hand on the stomach. "I just wanted some water."

Summer comes down and looks from me to the boys. "Go back up Reena, I'll get you the water."

I notice the tired look in the eyes when she looks up at the stairs and I move to her. "I'll help you."

"Then get me some water." she demands with a pout and starts making her way up the stairs, when she's gone I turn to them and stare at them hard but before I can say anything, Summer begins talking.

"If you make her feel uncomfortable in the slightest, I'm telling y'all Mom about that little car thing last week."

They give her dark glances before stepping off into the living room, muttering to themselves.

"Thanks." I say, still angry.

"No problem, and don't worry about them."

"I won't."

We make our way to my room and Summer hands the water to Reena, she only takes a few sips and sets it down on the night stand.

"So you have people that don't like black people?"

Summer looks at me and I drop my head, ashamed. She makes a sad laugh, trying to dismiss it as nothing. "It's okay. Well, it isn't okay, but I'm not entirely surprised or anything, just greatly disappointed, but it's okay."

I shake my head in disagreement, "That's not okay Reena. Not when the dislike stems from you the colour of your skin."

"Well, it really doesn't matter. As long as you like me, that's perfectly fine."

I smile at that and pull her up from the bed and into my arms. "I'm sorry and it's not okay."

She nods and I kiss her, slowly at first but before it can turn into anything more, I hear someone at the door.

"God, get a room."

"We are in a room." I shot her a look and she makes a gagging face and leaves.

"So what do you want to do now that we're alone?"


I laugh. "Of course."

We lie down and I pull her to my chest. After a few minutes she's asleep and I have her tightly in my arms.


Thanks to all those that read my work. I'm wishing you a happy and prosperous new year. 🎉🎉

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