Reed - Baby on the way

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The moment Reena falls into my arms and screams, that's when panic sets in and I freeze. She trembles, breathing hard and squeezes my hand with everything she has, and even through all of that I don't move, I can't. All of a sudden I don't know what to do or to where to go, I feel a hand grip my shoulder and I hear Sheldon shouting in my ears, he's frantic but at least he's doing something. Reena's trembling stops and her grip loosens and she looks up at me, her eyes alert with panic and fright. All of a sudden the music stops and I can feel the stares on us, and that's when my brain regains its functioning, and I grip her tighter.

"Reed." She says my name and I can hear the worry laced in her voice, she's scared.

"Sheldon." He's right beside me, even before I can say anything more. "Get your car and meet us around front." he gives me a firm nod and runs off.

Leah kneels down and tries talking to Reena, telling her how it's going to be okay. Reena nods at every word, then she looks at me, "Reed, hurry. Please." She shuts her eyes and the tears start to run down her cheeks and I hug her.

It isn't long before I hear the car pull up and Sheldon rushes in, I bend to take her up and Leah takes off her shoes and holds them in her hands. By the time we reach into the car, the only person who is calm is Leah. She keeps soothing Reena, by talking to her, telling her it's going to be okay. Reena's head is on my lap and her feet are on Leah, she starts to massage them while Reena's breathing starts to quicken.

As Sheldon begins to drive out, I finally open my mouth to say something. "I love you."

Her eyes open and she gives me a small smile and strokes my face. "Me too."

She closes her eyes and groans and the panic sets in again, "What's wrong?"

She doesn't reply immediately until she opens her eyes and looks at me. "I just want her out, this is super uncomfortable."

"Don't you think we should call your parents?" Sheldon says from the front seat and immediately I begin to search for my phone. I find it, hit dial and put it on speaker.

Dad answers, "Don't tell me, Reena is about to have the baby?"

I almost gawk, "How'd you know?"

"Your mom has been going on about it for the last twenty minutes now, and here she is."

"Max." Her voice is frantic.

"Mom, we're fine."

"Let me talk to Reena." She demands.

"She can hear you the phone is on speaker."

"Oh my God Reena, I know you're scared right now but this is the big moment and before you know it, it'll be over. Please just hold on okay. I'll be there before you know it."

"I want it to be over now." Reena starts crying and I hear my mom sniffling.

"It will be honey, just be brave okay. We're on our way."

The call ends and Reena looks at me, "I love your mom."

"She loves you too." She smiles at that and she starts to breathe more relaxed. Then I feel her body go rigid and she screams, hard.

"Oh my God Reed!!!" I find her hand and she squeezes mine. "No no, I can't. I can't do this."

She grinds her teeth and the tears start to come again. "I'm here, I'm here." I kiss her forehead and try to soothe her with encouraging words until the contractions stop.

"Reed, I can't do this." She shakes her head and covers her eyes with her free hand. "I can't."

"Yes, you can. Just do what my mom said, be brave remember you're not alone. I'm here, plus Sheldon and Leah."

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