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The first thing I noticed when I walked up the driveway was that my mother's car was no longer at the house. I brushed it off, figuring she was at the store or with friends. I didn't think twice about it. I probably should've.

"There you are!" my father growled as I continued up the drive. I glanced up, seeing him stand from the porch chair he had rested in, tossing the beer bottle into my mother's garden. I scowled as he marched down the steps, grabbing my arm and hauling me towards the truck. "We have an appointment. You don't look that great—not that you ever do, but it'll have to work."

My books fell out of my hand. Oh no. No. Not again. This wasn't going to happen. Not again. Not ever again. Not if I could help it. I screamed, catching him by surprise and pulled, trying to get away from him. He clamped a hand over my mouth. "Shut up." He growled, his dark blue eyes flashing in anger, glancing around to see if anyone had heard me. I was done putting up with this. I would not just going to turn back into some scared little girl who always obeyed 'Daddy'. So I did was only I could do. I grabbed his arm when he wasn't paying attention and bit him. Josh flashed through my mind, and I was tempted to smile, but I had to get away.

It was a childish thing to do, I know, but it would get me in less trouble than if I had done something else. "You fucking bitch!" He screamed louder than necessary, his eyes blazing.

My heart caught in my throat as his face twisted in anger. I backed away from him instinctively, turning, running, deciding it was best not to stick around. He yelled after me, but I didn't want to understand the words. I sprinted down the round, glancing back once in a while to find him getting in his truck. Suddenly, my foot caught a pothole in the road, sending me flying to the ground and scraping my arms as I skidded across the road. I yelped, wincing at the sting. I glanced up as headlights enfolded me.

Oh no.

I knew that car. Only one boy had that kind of truck, and it was not good news for me. I looked back to see my father backing out of the driveway.

The other truck slowed to a stop in front of me. "Hmm… look what we've got here!" He said, snickering as he leered at me. His headlights enfolded his form as he approached. Boys laughed in the background. I hadn't realized how late it was; it was darkening, almost around dusk.

Oh no.

I tried getting up, tried running away, but he pushed me on my back with his foot. I grunted, glaring up at him, but I was too scared to say anything. I always was. "Oh, don't leave. We're just getting started." Jake stood over me now, and I brought my feet up and knocked him as hard as I could. He groaned, bending over in pain. I didn't waste a second; I darted into the woods by the road, hearing behind me, "Get that bitch!"

J, I thought as I bounded through the woods, clearing obstacles in my way. You gotta help me. I whined.

I didn't get the answer; a scream escaped my lips as my ankle caught on a dead tree, hurling me to the ground. I ground my teeth together as I tried standing, my ankle giving out immediately, sending me stomach down back into the foliage. Rustling sounded behind me as I made another effort to stand, but suddenly a weight plastered me down. "Oh, I'm fucking you now for sure." He growled as he somehow turned me around so I was on my back.

"Jake?" a male voice called. "Dude, where the hell are you?"

Oh, ew.

Jake glanced over his shoulder as he held my struggling form. "Over here! C'mon, hurry up! I don't want to do this alone." He turned back to me with a glint in his eyes. "It's much more fun with friends." He said so only I could hear. I shudder of disgust through me. As he went to rip my shirt, I was able to sit up slightly and throw a fist to his nose.

Caught off-guard he fell backwards, holding his already-bruised nose, blood leaking through his fingers fast. I stared at him as I attempted to crawl backwards as my ankle throbbed, tears I hadn't noticed slipped down my face. He couldn't do this. Not now. He couldn't ruin today. Not today. Please, not today. I shut my eyes tightly, continuing backwards slowly.

"You fucking bitch!" he hissed and then smiled slyly. "But your dear Joshy isn't here to save you now. You're. All. Mine." He snarled.

Tears were beginning to blur my vision, so I closed my eyes again. I focused on the foliage between my fingers and the mud underneath. I focused on the pain shooting up my leg as I crawled. I focused on the thought of earlier today; the best day of my life ruined.

A crack of a branch made my eyes snap open. Jake stood, blood dripping down his nose and two of his friends soon came up behind him. "We doing this or what?" one of the asked. I knew him, but I didn't bother to recall him name.

I kept crawling backwards, faster now. I wished I could get up and flee, but I knew I would give out anyways. Just as the gang made their move towards me, I backed into something.

Calm washed through me as the corner of my mouth picked up. Heat radiated from it, and I could hear breathing as his fur brushed against my skin. A deep snarl stopped the boys in their tracks. I watched as their faces turned from eager to scared and confused. "What was that?" Jake asked, his eyes the widest. He knew very well what it was, as he had already been warned once.

I'm getting' tired a this kid. J growled, sliding around me and coming into the light admitted by the sunset.

"Oh shit! I'm out!" Both of the guys flanking Jake ran, soon out of sight.

You have no idea how much I want ta kill this guy. He growled at Jake, the fur on his back standing.

Jake stood in shock as they stared at each other. No, don't. He might be horrible, but no one deserves that. Please don't, J, please. I pleaded with him, almost taking it back as soon as I said it.

Can I bit him? Take off an arm maybe? He has got ta be taught a lesson. This is the second time I've caught 'em. He stepped around me, pulling his lips up to show even more of his teeth.

J-just get him out of here. I whispered, closing my eyes momentarily. J pounced, catching Jake's arm in his jaws as he held it up to protect himself. The force knocked them both to the ground. J whipped his head from side to side, ignoring Jake's screams. He eventually pushed him off, but I knew J let him. He stood and ran as fast as he could, holding his torn up arm.

J lifted his muzzle and howled after him, his breath visible as it blew through the air. That should do it, hopefully. He said as he turned to come to my side.

I lay down, placing my hand over my eyes to stop the tears and to shield myself from the truth of what just happened. Are you alright? Did he do anything? He growled, stepping towards me.

No. I answered simply, studying the inside of my eyelids. My ankle hurts. I whined, tired of keeping a wall up around me and my emotions all the time. I don't want to go home. Not yet. Not tonight. Really not ever.

Go ta sleep. He replied, lying down next to me, placing a paw and his head on my stomach, the rest of his body spooning mine. The cold didn't hit me until his body heat did, and I shivered. I'm here. No one's goin' ta hurt you.

Finally, the realization of the incident hit me, and also the exhaustion. I focused on our breathing, making our breaths in unison, and soon sleep overtook me.
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