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“I told you I have nothing to say!” she snapped before huffing and turning to face the window with a scowl

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“I told you I have nothing to say!” she snapped before huffing and turning to face the window with a scowl.

Jason's hands gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles started turning white. His jaw was clenched so tight with anger it was a surprise he didn't break a tooth.

“You're being unreasonable. If you would just stop and talk to me…” he began to say but she didn't even give him a chance to finish.

“Once we get back to the house I'm packing a bag, I'm taking my baby and I'm leaving.” she threatened without looking at him. Maybe that was a good thing because Jason was sure the look on his face would have made her jump from the moving car.

“You're not taking my daughter away from me.” he scoffed and shook his head. Really he wasn't worried in the least on that front.

“I'm sure as hell not going to leave her with you.  You're never home, who's going to take care of her? I'm taking her and you can't stop me.”

The anger he was holding on to burst like a angry volcano. His fist collided with the steering multiple times with angry punches.

“You selfish, selfish woman!” he ignored her startled intake as she finally turned to me. Even the cries of his screaming two year old daughter in the backseat didn't stop his outburst.

“I'm sick of you! You constantly criticize me. You complain nonstop about me never doing anything right. I try so hard to do right by you and it's never enough! You're selfish!”

“I am not selfish.” her voice was tearful.

Jason knew he should feel guilty about losing control in front of his daughter but he didn't, he had had enough. He was just so tired and overwhelmed with the feeling of not being enough. Tired of constantly giving of himself and getting nothing in return.

“If you want to leave, LEAVE! but you will not take my child with you. I will have my lawyers so far up your ass you won't know what's hit you.”

He didn't expect it, he only felt the stinging sensation on his cheek. With his mouth open in shock he took my eyes off the road to glare at her. One second was all it took.

The Jeep swerved, out of control. The crash seemed to take for ever; as adrenaline coarse through his system. With fear in his eyes he looked back at his daughter right before the deafening sound of glass smashing pierced the quiet night. He was fleetingly aware of the taste of blood in his mouth. There was a sickening cracking sound as his head slammed against the dashboard and his neck twisted. He saw his wife next to him, her neck was set at an impossible angle, her eyes unfocused and unblinking, then the darkness swallowed him up. His last thought was, his baby had stopped crying. How he wished she was still crying.

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