Chapter 12

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"Well Rachel I hope you have your bag packed

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"Well Rachel I hope you have your bag packed. Looks like your baby is coming any day now" said Samantha.

"You hear that little one. We get to officially meet each other soon" Rachel said as she rubbed the side of her belly.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" Asked Samantha

Rachel turned to look at Jason but his eyes were still on the image of the baby on the monitor. I look of amazement on his face. She reached for his hand and squeezed so he would look at her.

"It doesn't really matter to me as long as my baby is healthy, but do you want to know the gender?" Rachel asked him.

"Yea if you don't mind" Jason replied turning his hand over so he could link their fingers together.

Samantha looked at their joined hands and a knowing smile crossed her face. She picked up the transducer and pressed it against Rachel's belly and wait for it to produce a clearer image of the baby.

"OK, open your legs for us, today is not the day for modestly sweetheart, let us see what you have down there" said Samantha

They sat waiting for the baby to move its legs apart but the baby seemed to have other ideas.

"Well I don't need a sonogram to tell me it's a girl. If it was a boy he wouldn't mind a bunch of strangers checking out his package" Jason grumbled

Rachel and Samantha laughed and shook their heads.

"Is this your first child Rachel?" Asked Samantha

"Yes" she replied

"Well from one mommy to another let me just tell you everything will be alright. Delivery is not as bad as it seems, its more the fear of 'there's no way your body can do something like this' than the actual pain" Samantha reassured her.

"So the pain won't be unbearable?" Rachel asked nervously

"One can only hope, but you'll be just fine. The doctors and nurses will take care of you" Samantha replied

"Hey so will I" said Jason.

"You'll be there when I deliver?" Rachel asked surprised

"Only if you want my support" he replied

She looked down at their still joined hands and smiled. She gave his hand a squeeze and nodded yes. Too choked up with emotions to say anything.

"Well alright then, you have nothing to worry about. Rachel you stay here while Jason and I go collect some things out front that I want you to take home with you" said Rachel

"OK. Thanks for this" Rachel replied

Jason and Samantha walked out of the room and down the hall to Samantha's office.

"So exactly what do you know about this woman Jason?" Asked Samantha

"I know enough" he replied looking around her office.

"I take it you don't plan on sharing what you know" she said

"No. If she wants anyone to know anything about her then that's for her to tell. Why do you ask?" He replied

"I just see the way you look at her so adoringly. Are you falling for her?" Asked Samantha

"You're being over protective again Sam. I think Nicholas is rubbing off on you" Jason kidded

"Don't change the subject" she scolded

"Fine. No I'm not falling for her. Its just been a couple of days since I've met her. All I know about her is what the private investigator dug up and what she let's slip occasionally." Jason replied

"Well the good thing is she seems like a nice girl, despite the fact she doesn't make eye contact and keeps her hair blocking her face, I barely got a good look at her. Even laying on the bed she let her curls fall over her face. She doesn't seem to be dangerous but still be careful until you find out more about her" said Samantha

"I got a picture of her, all be it she was younger but still I know what she looks like. You know Sam you sound like a true Ronaldi. Jason replied

"We'll I've been married to one long enough" she said laughing.

"You and Sebastian did good opening your own clinic here. This place is pretty impressive" said Jason

"Thank you. He, Nicholas and Johnathan are away on a three days vacation. You've been MIA so you missed the invite" Samantha replied

"They're not going to let me hear the end of this. I have to meet up with you all to have dinner soon"

"I'll believe it when I see it. Anyway take these books home for Rachel to read and here is a congratulatory mommy T-shirt and a newborn onesie"

She handed him the items then they headed back to see Rachel in the examining room. The waiting room was strangely quiet and suddenly they realized why. The sweetest lullaby was coming from inside the room. The voice singing it was nothing short of remarkable.

"Either the heaven just opened up for us to hear the angels singing or your girl has the most perfect voice I've ever heard. Is she singing in Spanish?" Asked Samantha as they stopped outside the door.

Jason didn't reply, he seem mesmerized by the lullaby himself. He quietly opened the door to reveal Rachel sitting on the bed stroking her hand over her baby bump while singing. Her hair was tucked behind her ear giving them full view of her face.

"She's gorgeous" Jason whispered

"Yea she's something to look at" Samantha replied softly.

A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea

A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea

Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva
Cantando y llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balancea ♪

One of the books slipped from Jason's hand and startled Rachel. She stop singing and quickly turned to look at them. She reached up to move her hair and Jason hurried into the room and stopped her.

"Stop hiding your face. You're beautiful you don't need to do that" he said

"No I'm not. He told me!" She exclaimed trying to pull her hand away from him.

"Who told you that you're not? Because they lied to you Rachel. Did your ex husband tell you that?" He asked

"Yes" she replied softly.

"He lied to you Rachel. Look at me" he lifted her face to look at him. He light blue eyes looked confused and troubled. "He lied" said Jason stroking the side of her face.

He caught the tear that spilled over onto her cheeks and pulled her to him for a hug. He looked over her head at Samantha who was standing by the door watching them. She caught his eye and smiled.

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