Part 3: A FreindShip As Been Born...

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-Flareon's Pov-

Glaceon started to grow up form that very day... she was more clam more lovable... more nicer than ever we now mostly shared the same bed then sleep solo like the others...
Glaceon: Catch!
Glaceon throws a ball across the sky with iron tail!
Me: ha!
I head butt the ball back to her
Sylveon: hey Glaceon~Sama and Flareon~Kun!
Both: hey!
Sylveon: could i play?...
Glaceon: sure!
I careful watched the ball, Sylveon may have long ribbons that might help her have a better chance in catching the ball but I'm more quicker then she could ever have!
Sylveon's ribbons begin to warp around the ball and then... she throws the call with all her force! The ball hits Glaceon in the head
Sylveon: Oops! I'm sorrry Glaceon~Sama...
Glaceon rubs her head to make it less painful
Glaceon: that's fine...
Me: I think that's enough ball for today... let's play hide and go seek!
Both of the girls cheer in excitement
Glaceon: i can be the seeker!
Both: ok!
Me and Sylveon ran the opposite direction
Glaceon: 1..... 2..... 3..... 4..... 5..... 6..... 7..... 8..... 9..... 10..... ready or not here I come!
I could here Glaceon's paws touch the dry leafs, I could see one of Sylveon's ribbons peeking out of a rock...
Me: Sylveon!...
Sylveon: what?...
Me: your ribbon-
Before I could say something I see Sylveon get jumped at by Glaceon
Glaceon: gotta chu!
Sylveon: haha.. gg!
I hide on the top of the free right below where the two seekers and then...
Sylveon: got you!
I fell ribbons wrapped around my paws and stomach
Me: Aaaaa!
Glaceon pins me to the ground
Glaceon: your not really good at hiding
She grins at me
Glaceon: gg though!
Me: gg!
Glaceon unpins me
Glaceon: that was fun we should do that more often!
Me: yeah!
Sylveon: well bye! I have to check on Eevee~chan!
Both: bye!

- Glaceon's Pov -

Me: hey... let's go back it's getting dark..
Flareon: y-yeah...
We both turn around ready to dash off to the icy cave, as we ran we found Leafeon on the ground
Me: Leafeon! Are you ok?..
Leafeon: yeah... I'm fine.. that branch just fell on to of me...
Me: woah! We need to get you to Sylveon! She knows how to heal horrible wounds like that
Flareon: wait Sylveon? She knows how to heal wounds?!
Me: yeah! That's why she's are mechanical Pokémon here in the base and the forest
Flareon: oh.. ok let's just get Leafeon to Sylveon..
I helped getting Leafeon on Flareon's back
Me: we're going to have to go sonic speed to save Leafeon!
Flareon: got it!
I kept same pace with Flareon keeping in eye on her so she wouldn't fall off or anything
Me: there! Sylveon!
Sylveon: huh?
Me: no time to explain! Heal Leafeon's wounds! Please!
Sylveon: oh ok
Sylveon's beautiful ribbons begin to lay on Leafeon's wounds and begin to glow, after Sylveon's ribbons got off her wounds it was all normal the wounds were gone like nothing ever happened to her
Me: wow! Sylveon your a life saver!
Flareon: yeah!
Leafeon: thank you guys...
Leafeon gets up on all four paws but begins to limp
Me: wait! You need help getting back to your den...
Leafeon: well... I guess your right..
Leafeon puts her arm on my neck while Flareon hold on to her paw
Sylveon: see you! Hope you feel better Leafeon~Chan
After we got to her den we told Vaporeon what happened then we let him take her back up
Vaporeon: you'll be fine... I promise
Me: wow.. what a crazy day that sleep does come in handy though...
Flareon: yeah your right.. lets go
We got back to our bed we got comfortable as possible and said our good nights

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