Chapter 4

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Warning: Sexual chapter

1 month later

Sydney stood as he watched Lily on the beach. She was swimming naked in the ocean, cleaning the sweat and blood from the hunting trip of her body. His wound was healing slowly but surely and he could now help her drag back the dead animals.

He had learned a lot about her and the person she is. A strong independent woman who had not had life easy. He had thought of a few ways to get off the island, one of setting a huge SOS sign on the beach flaming for any passerby ships or plaines.

But he had no such luck.

"Whats the face?" She asked as she came walking up with her usual oversized shirt. He had ditched his suit pants for one of her fathers baggy shorts. Surprisingly it fitted him well. He often caught her stealing glances at him and blushing when he gave her a wink.

Their relationship had gone from strangers to friends in the time of only a month. She trusted him enough to tell him how her first year alone on the island was and learned that a black cat had given her a nasty scar across the shoulder.

"Just thinking" he said smiling at her as she started with super. Boar with some sort of root plant that tasted a lot like potato.

"Will you go get some clean water?" She asked holding out the bowl to him. Grunting he sighed deeply, giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Sydney water" she said trying her best not to laugh at the grown man's childish actions.

"Come with me! The meat is cooking so might as well take the walk with me. Pwetty pwease" he begged pulling her by the hand. Giving in she let him intertwine their fingers and pull her towards the waterfall.

She watched as he filled the bowl and drank before filling it up again. Offering it to her and watching as she drank it. Water dripping from her mouth and running down her perfect soft skin.

Oh how he wished to be that water droplet right now. As it disappeared between her breasts that was sadly hidden from his eyes.

"So what do you so for fun around here?" He asked swallowing hard as his pants became tighter. Lily thought for a moment before she smiled. They couldn't do that until tomorrow.

"We can do something tomorrow but right now we need to get back to the hut." She said grabbing the bowl, filling it up and walking off.


Sydney woke up to Lily cuddled up against him. Her one leg over his waist and her arm over his chest. Her soft curly brown hair tangled and wild as her head laid peacefully on his chest.

She was holding on so tightly she must have thought that if she let go he might disappear.

It pulled on his heart string thinking of how lonely she must have been. Trying to hold on to the only company she has had in years.

She yawned and her blue eyes fluttered open. Not realizing how sexually frustrated  Sydney was and the position she was sleeping in she yawned again before cuddling even more into his chest. Her leg squeezing tighter as she looked up at him and smiled.

"Morning" God her morning voice was so sexy. He thought as his hand trailed up and down her clothed arm. Running down her spine and making circles in the dip of her hip.

"Morning Lily" he said back trailing his hand lower until he was messaging her buck cheek. She squealed and lightly slapped his chest. It was obvious she enjoyed the attention and touching he gave her, by the shivers running down her spine when his hand moved between her legs and played with the soft flesh of her thigh. 

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