Chapter 1: The Helping Hand

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  Swara starred at her husband and was taken back by the fact he looked handsome, not the first thought that should have crossed her mind but well he did look handsome.  Then she remembered the few times she saw him before and never really looked at him , well because he was the groom and he was going to marry someone else,  there was really no point in looking at him . And Swara wasn't used to flirting with complete strangers especially when they are not available , so she totally missed crossing path with her husband until now. 

 The sound of her cellphone ring disrupted the silence between them as she reached towards the phone clutched in her hand, then her eyes widened in shock to see the familiar number calling her at the unusual time . She forgot all about her handsome husband and rushed to answer the call .

   " What wrong bhai? " Swara hated that her voice held on to the assumption ,Something was wrong because if not there is no need for this call . After the day she had it felt like a logical assumption that it could get worse .

   " I am so sorry , I will be there . I should have never left .." She answered back yet again once she had the reason behind his call and turned to look at the man she married and how just a single phone call made her ignore his existence even if for  a few minutes she didn't know but when it comes to her family ,they will remain her first priority .

   " I need to go now ," She spoke up afraid that he will delay her departure when she desperately needed to leave this house . 

" I will drive you ," He answered back four words and she felt the relief that she didn't feel few minutes ago as her mind calculated how to reach the hospital in the middle of the night . 

 Swara had no time to think about him ,or what he was thinking about her leaving on their wedding day . Only when she got into his car did he look at her waiting for her to say the destination . And she barely said the hospital name before his eyes widened in surprise and then a hint of concern flashed in his face .

 She didn't know what was going through his mind ,she wanted to explain but was too nervous to speak up . She can't lose her sister ,they have been always inseparable . Her sister was just two year older than her but totally different from her , she was the shy one to her bubbly nature . And when she got married Swara felt like she lost a part of herself but later realized she gained a family member in her brother in law . 

Tears threatened to fall as she remembered the doctors advise that her sister should be on bed rest till her delivery ,and the fact she was in the hospital two weeks before the due date made her very nervous. She can't lose her sister or the child in her womb that Swara was looking forward to pamper and love.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned back in surprise only to realize she had been crying , the tears were slowly falling non stop that she tried to wipe it away because she didn't want to even think of losing her sister ,and after the day she had the stress had finally gotten her .

 " It going to be fine ,whoever is in the hospital will be fine . We will be there in five minutes Swara , " he spoke up and she felt herself calm down ,she didn't know if it was because of his soothing voice or because she felt relieved that he wanted to comfort her ,they were strangers but he wanted to comfort her when she cried and somehow that made her believe that the guy she married had a kind heart and it had to be enough for now . 


 Sanskar Maheshwari relaxed the moment she stopped crying , he couldn't let it slide when he noticed those tears . She was his wife ,though they were strangers he knew the person in the hospital was close to her . And he didn't want her to lose them .

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