Chapter Eight

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The Sweet Taste Of Rejection
Nhica Moico

I still believe

Someday you and me will find ourselves in love again
I had a dream
Someday you and me will find ourselves In love again

Each day of my life, Im filled with all the joy I could find
You know that I, I am not the desperate type
If theres one spark of hope left in my grasp hold it with both hands
Its worth the risk of burning to have a second chance

No, no, no, no, no, no, I need you, baby
I still believe that we can be together, no, no, no
If we believe that true love never has to end
Then we must know that we will love again

I Still Believe, Mariah Carey 

Chapter Eight

                Seduction was an awful like vindication; manipulation. It was the curve ball that smacked you in the face and knocked you to your knees. The way Jace attempted to seduce me had anger surging deep within me, as I marched away from my apartment. I was a fool to let him do that to me, to succumb me to his level, just when I'd already sworn to myself I wouldn't fall under his spell again. That Amy was naive and foolish back then, and I couldn't become the Amy who knew only idiocy. Not with my children at stake. I curled my hands into fists by my side; feeling frustrated and confused than ever.

                Why was he playing me again? Hadn't he known--shouldn't he know, that I'm not going to become trapped in the tides of his sick mind games? That it took two to tango, just like it took two to control? Gritting my teeth, I pressed a few buttons on the elevator and listened it to whimper as it slid open. I got inside and tossed all my weight on the frigid yet shiny way, trying to compose myself. As I did this, footsteps pounded against the bright tiled floor and my breath hitched. I immediately slammed my fist against the button of the elevator's door, which instinctively clamped shut when I caught a glance of Jace's face before me.

                He was half naked, trussed up in fresh faded black jeans that hung salaciously low on his hips. His glossy chestnut hair was still damp from his shower--his green eyes heated with desire, lust and frustration as his eyes bored into mine. It felt like slow motion; I didn't know how long I stood there, watching him as the elevator doors clamped shut. I exhaled deeply, wincing as if my bones melted inside me. My knees buckled and I slid down to the floor; my feet crying out in pain due to my feels. Ignoring it, every rebellious component in my body disappeared; leaving me exhausted as if I just ran a marathon.

                How could I let Jace be the man from my past that got me? How was I so clueless and oblivious; how did I not realize that this was his sick, sadistic way to make me pay for leaving him? For not telling him the truth about my children? Because surely, he had got to be kidding. He didn't want me from the beginning; so why now

                How I want you. His words sent delicious chills down my spine, and haunted me; seeping into my vital organs as if it were a poison. It was his fault for why I was like this; paranoid, on edge. It was his very fault as to why I turned against him. I had worshipped him, hell, I'dgiven him everything I had. But where had that gotten me? Nowhere. I gained nothing from making him my world. I became a doormat before him, not knowing he would walk all over me like I did not have any dignity; the same dignity he'd crushed two years ago as if I weren't a human being. Like an unpleasant thing in his eyes that shouldn't have been an ordeal he cared about. I didn't deserve respect in his eyes. And with that, he was a heartless bastard and he deserved the homewrecker he forced me to keep in the our own home.

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