Chapter Fourteen

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The Sweet Taste Of Rejection
Nhica Moico

What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in and you
Kicking me out.
You got my head spinning
No kidding.
I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind?
I'm in your magical, mystery rhyme
And I'm so dizzy,
Don't know what hit me
But I'll be alright.
All of you, John Legend.

Chapter Fourteen

Jace pressed the doorbell.

 It rang out through the passive walls that was built to protect the family within the house. He’d come over to Amy’s house ten minutes early to see their kids. Although, it had only been a few days since he’d last seen the twins; it felt like months since the last time he saw them. Jace hadn’t even thought of thinking twice when it came to his kids.

A funny thought struck him; if anyone had told him that he was going to be a father to two beautiful kids he would have laughed and shrugged the thought off. He wouldn’t have believed them as he would now. It was weird how things had changed overtime. But he couldn’t—wouldn’t back down; now that he had responsibilities. He’d already set his oath in stone and that was to look after his children as well as their mother.

A cynical smile spread over his lips; if only Amy Smith could hear his thoughts sometimes. It would have been great to see her expression as she get angry and in near the brink of lashing out at him with her sharpened claws. Not that Jace could blame her, he’d been a complete asshole to her when they first got married. He shook his head with remorse. No matter what he did, Amy would still view him as a monster. A monster whom had ruined her life and made her hate him straight from the core of her being. He guessed he could do nothing but live with what he did. He couldn’t express the emotion he was feeling right now as he thought of the things he’d done to his wife. Ex-wife. A voice inside his head say. No, in his mind she was still his wife and nothing could change that. What Amy Smith didn’t know couldn’t kill her. And the fact that he was hiding something big from her was one thing that he wanted to keep that way; it was something that needed to be hidden until it was the right time to tell her. But for now, he wanted to enjoy being with their children and paying-up the moments he hadn’t been granted to be in since he hadn’t been with Amy when Adam and Jasmine grew-up.

A soft thud of footsteps emerged behind the walls and Jace heard the door being unlatched. He was slightly surprised to his Ashley; Amy’s best friend whom had been there instead of him. He couldn’t blame her either for the acid look she gave him before letting him in. He had guessed that Amy wasn’t the only one who was angry for his past actions. He gave a nod of thanks and made his way towards the longue where his two kids played with one another.

“Watch over the kids while I get Amy finished getting ready” Ashley said behind him and disappeared upstairs.

He walked over and hid behind his twins and gave them both a kiss on the crown of their heads. The kids turned around and the pair broke into goofy grins.

Dada” was the first thing the two kids said before they reached out and nearly chocked the life out of him as they latched themselves on their father as though they were both a pair of leeches. Jace laughed heartedly, loving the heavy weight the two bundle of joy brought in his arms. It may have been just a few days since he’d last seen them; but man, hadn’t they have grown. It was clear that the two munchkins in his arms had gained weight and were looking pretty healthy for being two year olds. Jace set them down so that he could sit beside them and play while he waited. He suddenly had the urge to stay and persuade the mother of his children to stay and play with them as well. But Jace wasn’t the type of ma who could break his word when things had finally settled. No way, was he now cancelling the date he had with Amy Smith. After all, he’d paid half a million dollars for just one night of fun with the famous Amy Smith. What a lucky bastard you are, a voice chimed in his head.

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