ticci toby cant get you out of his mind (old story)

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Ticci toby pov:*thinks to self:i cant get her out of my mind and idk what to do...shes so beautiful*....*blushes * (and hes talking about you not clock work
>:( )

Y/n pov:*lives alone* I cant get him out of my mind hes so hot and sexy I just wanna kiss him...WHAT?!...what am I thinking...

Ticci Toby:i have to see her again some day ...I need her to be my girl friend....WHAT AM I THINKING!!..she just a human...

Y/n and ticci toby's pov's:i guess I just need some sleep..maybe ill forget about him / her tomorrow if I cant that's when I have to find her / him again I love him / her I just need to tell him / her or i'll lose my chance..

Ticci Toby:*goes to bed*

Y/n:*goes to bed*

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