ticci toby asks you to be his girlfriend (old story)

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Y/n pov:
What is it toby?*thinks to self:what is he going to ask me im so nervous*

Ticci toby pov:
I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend y/n please

Y/n pov:
I would love to be your girlfriend toby*smiles*

Ticci toby:
*smiles back and kisses y/n on the lips*

Y/n pov:
*kisses back*

Ticci toby pov:
meet me in the woods after school ok y/n

Y/n pov:
Ok toby ill meet you there *leaves for class *

Ticci toby pov:*his mind:i watched her leave and to me im glad shes my gf i cant wait to love her*

Y/n pov:
*my mind:i left and i love him he makes me happy even when he watches me*

(Haha to be continued)

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