Chapter 4- Hogwarts Express Pt 2

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Italics are their thoughts.

Percy p.o.v

Percy couldn't believe this is where 'Mione, Luna, and Draco went! He thought they died because they didn't come back last year. I can't WAIT to see Draco! They stopped outside a compartment and saw Draco sitting with his back to the door. Next to him was a fat kid. They burst into the compartment and scare the living daylights out of Drake (his nickname). Just like Tar- No, don't think about it. Not now. Oh gosh to late. I'm having a flashback.

We're falling, and falling, and falling. My arms wrapped tightly around Annabeth. Then we enter the cavern. Glass as sand broken cars and so many monsters. The river Phlegethon, with its fire and the river of Cocytus. Annabeth looks around and sees the Cocytus. She tells me to try and control it so we don't get smashed on impact. We fall into the Cocytus. I feel fine until I realize that Annabeth is nowhere to be seen. My heart shatters. I go to the banks and look around. Then I see her, coming up only to start crying and then pulled down again. I get so mad that I make a tidal that brings her to me. (A/N I know that didn't happen, but say it did) I lay her down gently down on the sand, but then realize that its broken shards of glass.

"Come on, don't be dead" I whisper. Annabeth starts to stir. Her eyes open slowly

"It isn't a dream, is it?" She asks

"No. I'm so sorry," I start crying "It's all my fault." Then we start crying and hugging tightly.

"Percy, Percy, wake up. It's just a flashback. We are out of there. Please." He hears Annabeth's melodic voice and began to stir. Then he saw his Wise Girl above him with a tear on her face.

"It was when we fell into the Cocytus and I couldn't find you," Percy whispered quietly, only so that Annabeth could hear. They started crying, that place T-t-tar- the Pit, it can't make the toughest person break down.

"It's ok, we are never going back, never again," Annabeth said comfortingly. Percy looked around and saw Thalia, Nico, Luna, Hermione and Luna, all with worried faces. He looked at Drake and tried a smile, but it doesn't come. Instead, Drake comes over and hugged Percy tightly and said,

"I missed you, also I had to pretend to hate all the demigods. But it can't be worse than your life. How about when we arrive, after dinner you can tell us what happened while we were gone and we'll tell you our story."

"Okay. Can I stay with Annabeth alone for a while?" Percy asked everyone. They all nodded in understanding. Everyone left the compartment. Percy sat down and Annabeth curled up against him. They fell asleep like that and in an hour later they wake up and get off of the train.

Harry p.o.v

After Ron and Harry discussed the ES, they decided to follow the others using the invisibility cloak. The boys put it on but they had to bend down because they were too tall and their feet would show. Ron and Harry walked down the corridor, to the last compartment. Inside, was Percy on the floor, Annabeth whispering something, and the others looking at them. Thalia, Nico, and Malfoy had the look of worry on their face, instead of the poker face, they all had before. Just by looking at them you could tell that they cared deeply about him.

Harry saw him stir, and talk to the others. They turned to the door. Ron and Harry ran back to their compartment and acted as if nothing happened. When the others walked in Harry and Ron started asking,

"What took you guys so long, and where are Annabeth and Jackson?" Harry asked innocently.

"None of your business and alone. Why do you ask?"Hermione snapped

"I think they are death eaters, so does Ron," Harry said bluntly

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT OUR FAMILY!" Luna, Hermione, and Draco yelled at the same time.

"Your family . . . ?" Ron asked confused

"Yes, Annabeth is my half sister. We have a huge extended and they are all part of it, so if you think they are death eaters, then we would be ones too." Hermione said angrily.

"But then Annabeth and Percy are related. They shouldn't get married" Harry said impulsively.

"You want to keep true love from happening, then be my guest. Just be warned that if you ever break up Percabeth you will have many people, who are a whole lot more powerful than you, on your trail, trying to kill you." With that, they stormed out of the compartment.

That was mean. I thought Hermione and Luna were our friends.

-Time Skip-

Ron p.o.v

They finally arrive in Hogsmeade, Harry, Ginny, and Ron, go out onto the platform. Ron heard a familiar voice,

"First years, ove' here!" It was Hagrid.

The exchange students followed them to the carriages. The punk girl asked what the things were that pulled them. Surprisingly, it was Nico who answered,

"Those are Thestrals, only people who have seen death can see them." Sad looked passed over the ES. Ron's thoughts drifted to all of the people who died in the war.

"Who have you seen die?" Harry asked

"W-w-we saw many friends die," Percy said with tears in his eyes. Unexpectedly Annabeth started crying. Percy started whispering in her ear. It sounded like he was comforting her about something.

"Hey guys, let's go I'm extremely hungry" Ron complained.

"Hey Perce, Ron has the same sized stomach as you. You could have an eating competition. That is if you get into Gryffindor." Hermione said to Percy. They all got into a carriage. When they got out, Headmistress McGonagall came and told the ES to wait outside the Great Hall. Hermione, Harry, and Ron went into the Great Hall and sat at their usual spot. Ron looked at the staff table and saw the DADA seat is empty. I wonder who it will be.

Hope you liked it. :)

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