Chapter 8- Prof. McGonagall

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This chapter is dedicated to EmKatHattling and JiayiChen7. On with the Story!!! As always, italics are their thoughts.


Percy p.o.v

*They are in the Great Hall*

Percy scraped the juiciest piece of bacon into the fire and muttered 'Poseidon and Hecate'. Nico muttered 'Hades and Hecate', Thalia said 'Zeus, Artemis, and Hecate', and Annabeth said 'Athena and Hecate'. Ron glared at Percy. Probably because I took the juiciest piece of bacon and then burned it. I wonder what the classes are like. Oh, WAIT!!! I'm going to teach one of them with Wise Girl, Death Breath, and Pinecone Face!

Percy saw McGonagall handing out timetables. She stopped in front of the demigods and gave them their timetables. Percy looked down and realized that it was in Ancient Greek. I have all my classes with my family, except when I teach.

This is his my schedule:


1st P: Transfiguration- Professor McGonagall

2nd P: Potions- Professor Snape

3rd P: Potions- Professor Snape

4th P: Teach-


5th P: History of Magic- Professor Binns

6th P: Teach


1st P: Teach

2nd P: Charms- Professor Flitwick

3rd P: Divination- Professor Trelawny

4th P: Teach


5th P: Herbology- Professor Sprout

6th P: Teach

7th P: Astronomy (Midnight)- Professor Sinistra


1st P: Study of Ancient Runes- Professor Babbling

2nd P: Teach

3rd P: Teach

4th P: Transfiguration- Professor McGonagall


5th P: Care of Magical Creatures (CoMC)- Professor Hagrid

6th P: Potions- Professor Snape


1st P: Free P

2nd P: Charms- Professor Flitwick

3rd P: History- Professor Binns

4th P: Teach


5th P: Herbology- Professor Sprout

6th P: Teach


1st P: Divination- Professor Trelawny

2nd P: Transfiguration- Professor McGonagall

3rd P: Transfiguration- Professor McGonagall

4th P: Potions- Professor Snape


5th P: CoMC- Professor Hagrid

The Wonders of Hogwarts --DISCONTINUED--Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora