Chapter 8

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I wake up with slightly blurry vision and a weird feeling in my mouth. I turn over slightly, groaning as it feels like I haven't moved in days.

I look around and see Drew curled up asleep on the couch across the room and Keaton in a chair beside me. I figure I'm still at the hospital.

"Michelle!" Keaton exclaims and grabs my hand, sitting up straight with a huge grin on his face.

"Keater!" My voice comes out all raspy and quiet, even though I meant to speak loudly. My cheek feels a little funny but I ignore it and reach for the bottle of water in Keaton's hand, which he hands over.

"You feeling okay?" He asks and I give him a thumbs up while sipping at the water.

"Where's Wes?" I ask and hand Keaton his water.

"Uh, well he was-"

"Michelle!" Drew exclaims and comes over to my bed, "Hey there love, how ya doing?"

"Good! Where's Wes?" I look in between the two and they avoid my eyes and look at each other. Keaton nods and Drew sighs.

"He may have been a tiny bit more injured than I originally said."

"What? Is he okay? What happened?!"

"Well, you know how Derek tackled him?" I nod, "Well he got his leg caught somehow and like tore a bunch of tendons in his knee and broke a bone in his ankle."

"So where is he?"

"He had to have surgery to fix his ankle and I think he's coming out soon. But you can see him when he wakes up." Keaton says and I groan.

"This is all my fault. I know I should've just gone alone."

"Why, so Derek could've hurt you more?" Drew snaps at me, my eyes widen before I turn to snap back at him.

"It's better than dragging all of you into this whole mess!"

"He could have killed you one of those times!"

"So what?!"

"You're our friend! Why would we let anything bad happen to you?!"

"I don't need saving! I have never needed to be saved Drew!"

"So it wouldn't have mattered if he killed you or not?" His voice is calm and careful.

"No, it wouldn't have mattered." I whisper and Drew stands up, running a hand through his hair.

"Michelle, don't say that." Keaton speaks up and I look down, training my eyes to my hands one of which Keaton is still holding.

"I hate him. He ruined my life. He destroyed the person I was. He killed me more and more every day, for seven years he treated me this way! He made me believe like it was my fault, like I was always in the wrong. Well I've realized that he was always in the wrong, not me. I was the victim, I did nothing wrong!" I lean back into my pillow, a tear falling down my cheek. I wipe it away quickly, trying to stop crying.

"You have every right to feel that way Michelle, but don't ever push us away. We're here for you no matter what and always will be. And Derek is never going to see you again. You're safe now. Safe with us." Drew says and I look at him, tears are in his eyes and it makes me cry harder to see him so upset.

"Thank you." Drew takes my free hand in his and smiles at me.

"No need to thank us, friends stick together. We'll never let anything bad happen to you ever again."

A knock at the door interupts me as I open my mouth to reply and a nurse opens the door and comes in. Her name tag says "Hope" which, from the look of her smile and happy vibe I get from her, suits her well.

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