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River POV

right now we where on our way home. and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. my dad and Lowell where actually taking. mean while I was just sleeping.

but then I woke up when my dad said we where stopping to get food. we pulled up to some dinner.

we walked in and sat down at s booth. then a waitress came out. she took our orders but the whole time she was looking at Lowell.

' are you just going to let her stare at your mate like that.' Blythe growled.

I didn't noticed she walked away. but I was glad she was gone. i think they noticed I was mad cause my dad gave Lowell a look.

then I felt him grab my hand. this relaxed me. when all of a sudden I got this weird pain in my head. and I saw something. it was in the kitchen. And it looked like a grease fryer was exploding.

I looked into the kitchen. and saw the things happing. I got out of my seat and ran to the kitchen.

" every body out now. hurry." I yelled and stares to grab the guy closet.

every one was looking at me like I was crazy. but I wasn't. then my dad and Lowell came running over. And started to move people. we got every body out just before the fryer exploded.

" hit the deck" I yelled right as it blew up.

I saw every one drop. And then the kitchen burst into flames. then ran and grabbed the fire extinguisher.

I think someone was calling 911. I felt someone grab my waist. I noticed it was dad. he grabbed the fire extinguisher out of my hands.

" we need to go this is human land. they will question you." my dad rushed.

I dropped it and ran to the car. we got in and my dad pulled out of there just in time. cause as we pulled out the fire department was pulling in.

" what the hell just happened" Lowell asked.

" I don't know. I could see the fire happen. so I had to get everyone out." I explained.

" it's part of your abilities. your mother could do that. you can see things before they happen." my dad explained.

" so your saying I can see the future?" I questioned.

" yes, but you never know when it's going to happen. And it might not always be as clear." my dad says.

" that is so cool." Lowell pied in.

" now I need you two. to keep this on the down low. because you never know. I told your parents Lowell but no one else can really know. it is to dangerous. oh and you should not be going out to the woods anytime soon." my dad said.

" what no that's no fair. I need to let her out ever once and a while." I complain.

" River your dads right. it's to risky. maybe we could go to the training room. it's big. we have a section for training in wolf form." Lowell suggested.

" fine. but this sucks." I huffed.

" I know but you can't have many people knowing not when they are on the hunt. And well I mean now that you just did what you did. it's going to make it more aware. so we have to keep this under wraps." my dad carried on.

" I know. now I need to sleep" I yawned.

then I leaned my head on Lowell's shoulder and closed my eyes.

Lowell's POV

" I am surprised at how fast her abilities kicked in" neon said to me.

I looked down at a sleeping River and smiled. I stroked her hair.

" that was really awesome to see though" I tell him.

" I need you to promise me something." neon said seriously.

" okay what's that" I asked.

" that no matter what happenes you will stay with her." he said dead serious.

" of course why wouldn't I. I truely love her with everything I have." I said kinda defensive.

" I know I said the same thing. but as time went on I got jealous. and I almost left her mom. because I was jelouse. And a stupid person. then I lost her. and it made me regret everything. so please don't make the same mistake I did." neon sighed.

" I get what you are saying. but I done think I could ever think that." I tell him honestly.

" I know I said the same thing. but I believe you." he half smiled.

then we just kind of faded into silence. then i even feel asleep after a while.

" where here" I hear neon say.

I opened my eyes to see we where at the pack house. I looked at River and she looked sound asleep so I didn't want to wake her.

so I quickly got out. grabbed our bags, brought them in and then went back out for her. since it was kinda late I didn't want to wake her.

I opened her side of the car. and reached in and grabbed her. then carried her in bridle styles then closed the door with my foot.

I started to walk into the house when River spoke.

" put me down I can walk you know"

I looked to see her staring at me. " I know you can but you where sleeping beside we are in the house anyway." I tell her.

then I put her down. and look to see my parents neon and Sammy waiting for is in the living room.

" shouldn't you be in bed mister" River asked Sammy.

" Maria tried but he refused to until he saw you walk in the door." my mother says.

" well now you can go to bed. cause we are here." River smiled at him.

Sammy came up and gave us a hug. I smiled down at Sammy and looked at River who looked so happy.

then it made me thinking this could be us one day. and I really wanted that.

" alright you time for bed." River smiled.

" will you come up with me." he asked River.

she nodded then followed Sammy to his room. I looked at my parents and they where smiling.

" you know that could be a sign" my mom said.

" a sign of what" neon asked.

" mom no." I tried to tell her.

" that they should be having pups. she's so good with Sammy. and I know she wants one. you can see if in her eyes how happy she is." my mom smiled.

" wow now. no pups any time soon." neon says.

" okay before this gets out of hand. I think we should all go to sleep. it's late." I tried to reason.

" alright well tell me all about it in the morning." my mom smiled as she and my dad walked away.

" are you driving back. cause you can always stay here one more night. it is pretty late." I asked neon.

" no I should be getting back. check up on Max. it's the first time I have left him all by himself. so I should head out. say bye to River for me." neon smiled as he patted my back and walked out the door.

My Alpha Mate (complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin