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1 mouths later.

Rivers POV

it's been about a month since the war. and things have been going great. you can finally start to tell I am having a pup. I remember the day I stared to show.

I woke up to go to the bathrooms. I did what I had to do. then I walked back into my room. I went back to bed feeling way to tried to stay awake.

I then woke up a few hours later. to Lowell asking me up. he said I needed to get up and eat. so I stood up. and stretched. And my shirt rose up.

Lowell looked at me and gasped. I looked at him.

" what's wrong." I asks worried.

" your showing" he smiled.

I looked at him. then walked over to the mirror. I looked and raised my shirt. And when I did. I saw a bump.

I gasped and placed my hands over it then cried. Lowell came up behind me. he placed his hands over mine.

" that's our pup" he whispered"

that was such a good day. I was so happy. oh and when we showed Jessica. she frecked out.

she stated to like place her hands on it. and she cried. then I stated to cry. it was like a water fall with all the tears.

but we where so happy that it didn't matter. 

right now Lowell and I where out baby shopping with his mom. we where buying stuff for the baby's room.

we decided that we where going to find out so we knew what type of clothes to by. but right now we where just buying the main stuff.

like the stroller. change table, the carseat dressed. the crib. bottles and other stuff. the last Drs appointment he asks if I was going to be breast feeding.

I really didn't know if I was going to. but he said I should try it. cause it's supposed to be a lot better. so I decided I was going to try it for a while.

which I was kinda nervous about. so Lowell's mom said she would give me pointers. which I gladly accepted.

" so have you guys thought of names?" Jessica asked.

" well I kinda want to have my dads name on it some where if it's a boy. maybe a middle name or something." I suggested.

" that's a lovely idea. I am sure your dad would love that" Jessica smiled.

" ya but we still have options." I shrugged.

" okay so what about for a girl?" she asked.

" oh River dosent want to think of girl names cause if she dose she's worried she will have a girl. she is positive  its a boy. " Lowell explained.

" well then I guess that's one way of looking at it" Jessica shrugged.

" I just feel like this one is a boy." I shrugged.

" well I am happy with whatever" Lowell spoke.

then looked at the time. " mom we have to go. we have the Drs. this is the one where we find out the gender." Lowell says.

" alright let's head out." she smiled.

so we walked to the car. me walking slower then them.

" you know you are a lot bigger then I was at your time. do you think their might be more then one?" Jessica asked.

" what" I chocked.

Lowell rushed over.

" mom you can't just say it like that." he said kinda angry.

I think it's just cause I chocked. any way we climbed into the car and started our drive.

once we started driving I spoke

" it's fine. but um the thought never crossed my mind" I tell her honestly.

" Any way some one has a birth day coming up. you excited to be eighteen?" Jessica asked.

" no I mean it just means I am another year older" I shrugged.

" oh come on eighteen is. big birthday your officially A adult." Jessica smiled.

" ya I guess" I shrugged

we pulled up to the pack house a few minutes later. Lowell walked over to help me out. I grabbed his hand. then we said by to his mother. And then made our way to the pack dr.

we walked in and saw him in the hall waiting.

" good day alpha Luna. you ready to find out?" he asked us with a smile.

we nodded. then went to the ultrasound room. he got me ready then started.

" um dose twins seem to run in the family?" he asked.

" I'm pretty sure my moms side. I think my grandma was a twin why?" I asked.

"well it seems you are having twins. the other one was hiding behind the other. And it looks like identical boys" he smiled.

I gasped. twins.

" where having twins" I asked in shock.

" yes you are" he smiled.

" wow my mom was right" Lowell says in shock.

" alright so I will give you pictures then you are free to go." the pack dr says

we nodd then I whip the gel off and sit up.

" twins. where having twins" I smiled.

" yes yes we are" Lowell says.

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