Chapter One

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            “Well. Shit.” I blinked a few times then put on my sunglasses, “At least the sun’s shining.”

            I really shouldn’t had said that.

            Because in that instant, it started pouring rain.

            “You were saying?” Alec snorted and pulled open the door to the beachouse that we were going to be staying at for the next few months.

            “I hate this place already. It smells.” I grumbled popping my knuckles and stuffing my hands in my front pockets, only to fidget with the few pills I kept on  me just in case.

            You know, just in case I fell off a building.

            Or got attacked by a shark.

            Or felt…sad.

            Scratch that—just in case I felt anything. Even happy.

            “So,” Alec licked his lips, “We should probably get going.”

            “Uh?” I looked around, “We just got here?”
            “Right.” Alec didn’t make eye contact. Instead he coughed and opened the fridge, “I kind of signed us up for school.”

            I froze. My heart damn near beat out of my chest, “How do you kind of sign us up for school? When you say kind of do you mean you thought about it and then laughd your ass off for even having that thought?”

            “Don’t worry. I gave you easy classes.”

            “Are you shitting me?” I roared.

            “No.” Alec’s jaw flinched. He threw me a bottled water and took a swig of his own. “I’m not. Now put on some jeans that don’t have rips all the way up to your ass and try not to make a complete fool out of yourself.”

            I shook my head, “Your insane! We’re going to get mauled!”

            “Nah,” I shrugged, “It’s Seaside. Check it, they still have a video store.”

            “I’m sorry I really don’t know what that means.” I mutterd.

            “VHS.” Alec said slowly, “Tapes.”

            “Like as a joke?” I scrunched up my face, “Why the hell would someone watch---oh God, are they amish?”


            “The townfolk!” I threw my waterbottle onto the couch, “Do we have to grow beards and shit?”

            Alec’s stern face broke out into a smile, “Yeah and they deliver milk to our front door every day. But don’t worry if you run out we can just milk the goat out back.”

            “We have a goat.” I repeated, “Is it tame?”

            “Yeah,” Alec shrugged, “I named it Billy.”

            My eyes narrowed, “Does it live under a bridge.”

            He smirked.

            “We don’t’ really have a goat do we?”

            “No, but it is Seaside, anything’s possible.”

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