Chapter Three

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            “So, what are you doing tonight?” I leaned close to Nat’s body, nervousness rolled off of her in waves.

            “Homework.” She slammed her locker door and smiled, “And you?”

            “Whitney.” I teased.

            “Huh?” Her eyebrows pinched together like she actually didn’t get my joke about banging one of the cheerleaders. Aw hell, tell me I wasn’t flirting with a virgin. That’s just what I needed. A girl who didn’t know how to kiss and thought that sex was called making love. Kill me now.

            My smile grew as a comfortable silence settled over our conversation, “I’m kidding, girl. You really need to get out more.” And I would be more than happy to show her all that needed to be shown.

            “Okay.” She didn’t return my smile, if anything she looked pissed off like I’d just told her I was going to drive over to her house and kick her puppy.

            Nat turned her back on me—like I didn’t matter. Like I wasn’t Demetri Daniels. Seriously?

            Moving in front of her, I braced her shoulders and tried again. “What’d I do?”

            I caressed her shoulders, running my hands up and down her arms, memorizing the way she felt beneath my touch. Yeah, she’d be fun. And she’d be beautiful, freaking beautiful. I couldn’t’ wait to taste her, to peel back all those layers until she was naked beneath me. My eyes widened so I could take more of her in—drink her until I was satisfied.

            “Really, Demetri?” Alec’s hand gripped my shoulder so tight I almost winced, “Begging isn’t your style.”

            I forced a smile, “Sorry Nat. He’s right. I don’t beg. I don’t’ usually have to, but you make me want to.” I licked my lips. Her eyes darted to my mouth. That’s right. Focus on the lips, little girl.

            “Run along.” Alec encouraged. His eyes basically threatning me within an inch of my life. Fine. I’d go. He could play the hero all freaking day but in the end? She’d be mine. Because the last thing he took and played with—he killed and he and I both knew itw as time for me to be happy.

            Alec could go to hell for all I cared.

            With one last smile, I turned on my heel and walked away almost colliding with another guy who’d been talking to Nat earlier.

            “Sorry man.” I sidestepped him then grabbed him by the arm, “Hey, you know that girl?”

            “Nat?” The guy shrugged, “Sure. Why?”

            “Does she work somewhere?”

            “Why? Are you going to stalk her?”

            I smirked, “My man, do I look like I need to stalk girls in order to get a piece?”

            “No.” He laughed, “Hell no.”

            “Right. So her job?”

            “Seaside taffy.” He answered quickly, “I work there with her.”

            “And Seaside taffy is??”

            He rolled his eyes, “Downtown, you can’t miss it, theres only one main street.”

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