Chapter 04 - Party

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My first couple of weeks in college had passed without incident and it didn't take long for the days to slowly fall into routine.

Every morning Will and I met at the front of my dorm so that we could walk through campus to our first class of the day together. The more time I spent with him the more his company reminded me a lot of my dad. Will had this way to him that made you feel safe whenever you were near him. An aura that instantly sent a wave of ease over you the moment you were close.

He was the kind of friend that I wished I had when my dad died. Someone who knew how to make me laugh without trying at the most unexpected time. Someone who knew when to joke and when to be serious. It felt good to be with him all the time, natural even. Our time in the morning was quickly turning into my favorite part of my new routine.

Every day for lunch we all had this unspoken agreement to meet somewhere to either grab a bite to eat, study or just hang out. On the weekends we spent the majority of our time in The Lounge but if that got boring Will would splurge on taking us all out bowling or to the movies. It felt as if the only time we were ever really apart was to attend our classes.

"It pays having a rich friend." Liam joked one night as we walked down the street to the bowling alley.

It was definitely nice that Will was so generous but I think I would have enjoyed being around him regardless of the amount of money he had.

My mom had also made her way into my routine. Somehow we had gotten in the habit of talking to each other at least once a day. Sometimes she would snake herself in there twice a day. In the beginning it was pretty easy to talk to her about things since everything was still so new but as my routine slowly set in the things to talk to her about started to die out.

The last couple days she has resorted to practically playing twenty questions to keep me on the phone longer than normal. I tried to remind myself that she was probably lonely and scared so I should find the time to speak with her. But once she asked me a question that made me feel the need to turn my head away from Kendall and Bella so that they wouldn't see me blush. She asked if there were any boys that had caught my eyes yet, and even though I didn't have any reason to be embarrassed, considering the fact that I really wasn't interested in anyone, for some reason a pair of vibrant blue eyes instantly came to mind.

I made it a point to excuse myself any time she called from that point forward.

I only had one other encounter with Nova since the night he was my waiter at the diner but it wasn't exactly a pleasant one.

I was walking with my nose in a book as I tried to study as much as I possibly could before a test one of my professors was giving. My eyes were glued to my textbook which made me not notice the melted ice cream cone on the path I was walking. I would have slipped backwards and maybe even hit my head really hard if it weren't for Nova being right behind me when I did.

He caught me seconds before my head smacked onto the ground. "Oh!" I said when he pulled me back up.

"Are you always this much of clutz?" He said with an irritated tongue.

"Excuse me?" I asked, surprised by his bluntness.

"If you know you're clumsy I would recommend keeping both eyes up." He didn't say anything else as he walked away. He was clearly a man of few words.

After that, for some reason I found myself always looking for him at the beginning of the one lecture we had together. At first I didn't care. I told myself I looked for him because if he didn't come I would be able to set my bag on his seat. I mean why would I care about someone who was just repeatedly rude and unkind?

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