Chapter 16

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When Kiro saw the expression on Kariana's face as she kicked open the doors to his chambers and approached him with Noah at her heels, he briefly debated drawing his sword as a precaution.

"You..." she seethed, driving a finger into his chest. Kiro arched an eyebrow. "Next time, come yourself instead of sending your friend to terrify me, you blackguard." She glared up at him, her eyes flashing like blue fire.

"Love you too, sis," he said, turning away and sauntering over to his bed, on which laid a heap of black fabric. Kiro pulled a shirt out of the pile and threw it at Kariana. She caught it and glared venomously at him, but he gave her a triumphant smile. "You ready to leave now that Father's discovered your little secret?"

Kariana set her jaw and blew out a breath through her teeth, shoving past him and pulling a pair of black leather breeches and a belt from the pile before going into the latrine and slamming the door behind her. A decorative ceramic jar toppled from a shelf over Kiro's bed, bouncing on the mattress and rolling off the sheets. Kiro caught it before it hit the floor, replacing it on the shelf.

"Well this trip should be interesting," Noah observed with a lazy smirk, leaning his tall, squirrelly frame against a bedpost and plucking the blue feather he always carried with him from his cuff to stick between his lips. It looked ridiculous, but it toned down the fidgety energy that constantly made his hands twitch. "How far did you say I have to take her?"

Kiro picked up the remaining clothes on the bed and chucked them at his friend, who caught them and pulled the inky shirt over his fiery head of hair and brown tunic. "Once you get out of the castle, I've hired a portaler to jump you both to the Nemaru camp," he explained. "After that, Philip will welcome her and assure you safe passage to the river, and you can make it back here."

Noah hopped on one foot as he pulled the black trousers over his own. "Brilliant." He fastened the belt. "How'd you find a portaler, anyway? Magic is banned outside the castle."

"I'm the prince," Kiro said. "When I need something, it isn't hard to find it."

Noah shrugged. "All right." He glanced warily at the closed door. "Why does she need an escort, exactly? She seems to be able to look after herself fairly well."

"Don't ever let her hear you say that," Kiro warned, raising his eyebrows. "She needs to learn that she can't do everything herself, and that despite her extensive training, she's not invincible."

Noah smirked. "I've seen her fight, Kiro," he said, pulling the feather from his lips and stroking the end between his fingers. "Don't you think you underestimate her?"

Kiro glared at him. Despite holding the position of his best friend and most loyal comrade, Noah could be a bit impressionable at times. And true, Kariana was something to behold when she wielded a weapon. But she was with child now; she needed to think of her baby as well as herself. And since she didn't seem to care for that, it now rested upon Kiro's shoulders to ensure she didn't get herself killed.

"You overestimate her, Noah," Kiro snapped. "If—"

The door opened and cut him off. Kariana emerged, looking marginally calmer, but her eyes still smoldered.

She looked like a dark angel, dressed as she was, covered in black from head to toe, with her sable hair tied back in a loose knot at the back of her neck. The darkness of her clothing brought out her eyes in a startling way, and the strands of hair floating over her pale cheeks gave her a wild look.

"So, where are you sending me, brother?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow and folding her arms. Her lips were pulled into a thin line that, alongside her tone, gave away her lingering displeasure.

The Amulet Of Nicmir (The Scripts Of Neptune, Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang