Chapter 23

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Sam's breath burned in his lungs by the time he finally found his way back to the castle gate, and by then Crynia was long gone.

Hissing a curse, he slammed his palms against the wall of the corridor he'd stopped in and pressed his forehead against the cold stone as his hands stung. Thunder rumbled through the window beside him that overlooked the inner courtyard immediately after the gate.

He was angry. Angry at himself. He never should've kissed her, not like that. Now he'd scared her off. He'd shattered that fragile, precariously balanced friendship they'd constructed, knocked it off the knife's edge it'd rested on. And he was kicking himself inside for it. Because, though he'd never admit it, he was starting to like that strange, fierce, beautiful girl that hated him a just a bit more than he'd planned to.

Sam sank against the wall with his back to it, sliding down until he sat on the floor. Heaving a long breath to clear his head, he raked his hands through his hair and rested his head on the stone block behind him.

Lightning flashed, scattering shadows in the dark corridor for the faintest second. The air was damp and cold, and Sam shivered as raindrops, fat and wet, pattered the ground outside.

His traitorous brain was replaying that shattering kiss against his will, and he couldn't help the way his heart lurched and his stomach tingled when it did. Her body had been so small and light and strong in his arms, and her lips, that kiss that'd shaken him so thoroughly, would haunt him for a lifetime. And her eyes, dark and beautiful and filled with that hidden pain he so desperately wanted to save her from. Those eyes that had looked at him with such lucid heartbreak when she'd pushed him away—his heart constricted every time it flashed in his memory. And he knew—he knew she'd never let him help her, and it killed him inside. He'd picked his poison, and his death would be slow.

Lillian found him like that, against the wall, listening to the rain. She took off her shoes and slid down next to him, her green dress shimmering in the inky light. She smelled nice, like jasmine.

Sam didn't even bother to look over at her. He kept his gaze on the blank, featureless wall across from him, wrists resting on his bent knees. They stayed like that for a while, just listening to it pour, caught up in that silent communion that came from knowing each other so long.

"I did something really, really stupid," he finally confessed. His voice echoed in the hall, too loud in his own ears, and he cringed. He felt like the whole world could hear him.

"What'd you do?"

Sam blew out a long breath. "I kissed Crynia."

Lillian's lips turned up in an amused smile. "I figured. You've got lipstick on your mouth."

Sam ducked his head and rubbed his lips on his shirt, his ears turning red. Lillian laughed softly, and he fought and lost against a sheepish grin.

"Was it good?" she asked, nudging him playfully.

Sam sighed dramatically and let his head fall back, a smile tugging at his red cheeks as he glanced at her. "The best."

"Where is she?" Lillian questioned softly. Sam was grateful for her quiet tone. She knew him well enough to know something wasn't right, that something more was bothering him. He'd always liked that about her.

"She ran," he answered. He looked at his boots and shook his head, frowning. "I shouldn't have kissed her. I hurt her, somehow. It's—it's complicated, and I don't know why." He ruffled his hair helplessly and looked to the ceiling.

"Hey." Lillian's hand came up to rest on his cheek, her calloused thumb rubbing fondly over his cheekbone. He turned his head to look at her again, hoping his eyes conveyed how desperately lost he felt. "I know you, Sam. You'll figure this out. You always do. If you like her, don't let her slip between your fingers, 'kay?"

The Amulet Of Nicmir (The Scripts Of Neptune, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now