(3) Go find yourself a friend cause I'm not forcing you!

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Classes went like a blurr or maybe Barry Allan a.k.a Flash just went by but if he did well im thankful for him. I guess me and Ryder have the same classes cause he kept following like a lost puppy. Well its kinda funny though for him following me but sometimes I feel he's a creepy stalker of mine.

It is now lunch and im off to the cafeteria until I bump into someone. I look up to him and saw

Ryder smirking!

"Sorry" I mumbled and walk aside but he grabbed my wrist and drag me to an empty classroom. "What?!" I asked in confusion and he smirked Whats up with him and smirking?

"I just want to introduce myself cause you kept ignoring me for the half of the day" I rolled my eyes and yanked my arm and he let go "Ryder Matthews" as he held out his hand. I shook it and walk out until he blocked the door.

"Look! I don't have time for this! So just let me out before I do something you'll regret!" I exclaimed at his face and he just smirk.

"Really babe? What will you do?" He said taking one step and I step back. I took my phone from my pocket and press emergency dial to my brother Jax and thankfully he answered.

"Why did you bring me here to the empty classroom?" I raise my eyebrow. He kept taking a step forward and I kept taking a step backward. I know this is getting clićhe but I reached the wall and he put his hands on wall kepping me trap.

"Because I want to know you better but you made it the hard way" And he leaned in, before anything happens Someone save the day! Yehey!. Jax barge in and push Ryder to the side.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Jax asked, you could really see the worry in his eyes. I shook my head and he went Ryder "Dude! What the hell?!" Ryder turn around



"Bro! Its you! Its really you!" Jax said in excitement, Ryder smiled and did a bro hug like its their usual bro routine. I looked at them absoulutely confuse of whats happening at this moment infront of me

"Um? Whats happening?" I asked

"Well this dude was in my summer class when I was a junior" Jax answered

"Of course" I scoffed and walk out of the empty classroom.

"We really need to catch up!" I heard Jax said and they walk out of the room.


"Where have you been?" Maddie asked

"Yeah! We've been waiting you for the past 15 minutes" Allyson spoke

"Got stuck with something" I shrugged and sat down

"Or someone?" Fiona nudge Maddie and I rolled my eyes and everyone from the cafeteria quite down, then I looked at the entrance of the cafeteria seeing the 'Bad Boys' walking in and walked up to us.

"Do you people have business?!" Jace yelled and all it all became back to normal.

"What's up" Jordan asked

"The sky!" I replied and they laugh. Wow im funny today!

"Guys! This is Ryder Matthews and he live next door" Jax announced and he winked at me

"Well if you want to be my friend go buy me pizza and sprite!" I said

"But what if i don't want to your friend? and I want to be someone else?" He asked smirking

"Well go find yourself a friend cause Im not forcing you!" I snapped at his face and stood up

"Lex where you going?" I heard Jax asked

"Somewhere to keep this issue away!" I replied not even giving a glance and I walk out of the school and good thing Jax gave me his car keys.

I drove to starbucks and buy myself a frappe then after I went to the mall and start walking around until I bump into someone what the hell is wrong with me? I waited myself to feel the ground but it didnt happen until I heard someone chuckle, I looked up seeing a greek god...... I mean his cute but hot. He helped me up and I balance myself

"Hey! I'm Blaze" he held out his hand

"Alexa" I shook it and he look at me very serious until he realize something.

"Alexa Colton?" I nodded in confusion "It's me Little B?" I furrowed my eyebrows and try to remember.

Little B?


"Blaze Parker?" He smiled and I crash him to a hug "OMG! Blaze your back!" I squealed "Since when?"

"We move back last night and still the same address" My eyes lit up in excitement. "Soo? I might be thinking why are you at the mall not in school?" He asked

"Boy? Annoying? Piss? Anger Issues?" He shook his head "But don't mind that! How are you?"

We started walking and talking about what not. He's my childhood bestfriend he lives infront of my house well lets say he lives next door. When  we're 5 Blaze and his family moved to Boston cause of his dad having a job there which it really suck, cause they are gonna stay there and i won't see my bestie but now he's back, and i'm happy for having my bestie back.

We drove back to my house and his following behind. We reached my house and got out of the car and walk to my porch.

"Wanna go in?" I asked him and he's silent "I take that as a yes!" I opened the door and grab Blaze's wrist then I pull him inside.

"Nothing has change" he said looking around "Do you still have the game room?" He asked excitingly

"Yeah its still there" Until i heard some shouting upstairs and i look at him "Lets go" he nodded and we ran to the game room seeing Jax dancing weirdly. "Whats happening?" Jax stopped dancing and look at me embarassed

"I won" i rolled my eyes and he looked at blaze "Who that?" I looked at blaze eye talk him 'Go introduce yourself idiot'

"Little B?" He asked Jax. And jax's eyes widened and did a bro hug to blaze.

"Man! You're back since when?"

"Last night!" Blaze replied then someone cough and we turn around seeing Ryder.

"Hey!" He said, I roll my eyes "Who's with you?" He asked

"Blaze my boyfriend!" I said proudly and I look at blaze and he read my mind. And Ryder's hands clenched

"Blaze Parker" as blaze held out his hand and Ryder just looked at it

"Not interested!" As Ryder walk out and we heard the front door slam. And Jax looked at me confuse.

"What?" Jax asked "You and Blaze a couple??" He looked shocked

"No we're not its just to annoy him" I responded

"And plus me and Lexie ain't gonna be a couple cause I'm gay!" Blaze answered proudly and Jax's eyes widened

"A what now?" Jax asked hanging out his Jaw

"You older brother is tired! Go to sleep!" I commanded and he went to his bedroom. Man! I love this guy when he follows me

"Bye Blaze i'll see you tommorow" he nodded and left

Well today in fun!

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