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"So class, today you will be doing a project with a partner," Miss Clover grinned as everyone started to get excited and began pointing over to their friends. "But...I will be choosing your partner."

Groaning and whining soon filled the room after that statement.

How old were they again? Seven?

When Miss Clover was finished reading out the partners, I scanned the room and realised Mason and I were the only ones left with no partner. Everyone else in the room had grumbled their way to their partner who were as well complaining like a bunch of kids.

Making her way over to us, she began to speak words that had me gulping like a goldfish.

"And as for you two," she smirked slyly. "You will both being doing the project together on places you have visited. You two will go to places together and take pictures. I would like this done on a PowerPoint with an explanation on what you did there."

Oh that wasn't that bad. I could just take some pictures of places and lie about what we had supposedly done there. Easy peasy.

"However, if this is not complete and given in on time I will instantly give you a F. Easier said than done," she said sternly, narrowing her eyes at Mason.

"Cool, Miss," Mason grinned cheekily, nudging me in the arm before winking. "We'll go to very interesting places together."

Choking on my own spit, I sent daggers his way. He truly was disgusting.

After my choking fit had calmed down, I secretly smiled to myself. I didn't even have to interact with Mason. I could just say I was doing it all and be on my way. The teacher wouldn't even have to know. Plus, Mason wouldn't care. As long as he didn't have to do any work, then it was fine with him.

And as I started to do a little jump and skip in my mind, Miss Clover decided to flatten me onto the ground mid-jump.

"You must take the photos together, meaning both of you have to be in the picture," Miss Clover stated briefly before turning around and strolling back to her desk like she didn't just crush a girl's happiness.

Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I slumped in my seat with a frown upon my face.

"Leia, where do you wanna go first?" He asked, grabbing a pen and some paper from his notebook. "The beach?"

Memories of my family and me taking trips to the beach flickered through my mind, sending me into a daze. Closing my eyes slowly, I layed my head against the cold desk.

"What's that, Lei-Lei?" My mum pointed to the sandcastle my dad had made especially for me.

"A c-castle," I replied back with my lisp whilst sticking my finger into my mouth. It was something I would do when I got shy.

"Well done, sweetie," my beautiful mum congratulated, pecking me on the forehead. "Now who wants ice cream?"
"Me, me, me!" I squealed, running up to cuddle my mum's legs. "I w-want s-some. P-Please mummy."

"Thomas, do you want ice cream?" My mum smiled at her husband whilst picking me up and walking over to my dad in her black playsuit.

"No thank you, honey but thanks anyway," my dad responded before placing a chaste kiss onto her lips.

My mum turned to me and cheerfully declared, "So two cones it is!"

Squealing in excitement, I patted my mum's pale cheeks as she handed me over to my dad. Immediately getting sad and wanting her touch, my lips began to tremble and quiver.

Like it was a mother's instinct, she gave me one last cuddle before walking down the promenade to get our ice creams.

"Leia?" Mason called to me, breaking me out of my daze. "Beach or not?"

Lifting my head, I turned to him with watery eyes.


Nodding slowly, Mason scrawled down beach and asked me about more places. He suggested the park, shopping centre and the lake. I just said yes to every one of them because I was too focused on that wonderful memory I had.


I was rushing to get out of the school because I had an interview the very next day. I needed to pick an outfit as I wouldn't have time in the morning.

As I was rounding the corner, I noticed movement at the end of the corridor. It was about four o'clock and school ended an hour ago. Why would anyone still be here? I didn't see any one in the library as it was a Friday so why was someone still here.

Wait a second, why were two people here?! Getting a closer look, I stepped forward, but stopped mid-way. My eyes widened on their own accord. I had spotted Kane with a guy. They were kissing their hearts out by the looks of it.

Kane was gay? Maybe he was even bi? Or even a bit curious? But it looked like he had done it before because it wasn't nervous kissing. Oh no, it was ferocious, heavy kissing.

Weirdly, I was more interested than disgusted by how they were practically eating each other's faces off. Stepping closer, I gawked as Kane began to get pushed against the lockers by his lover, making a large bang.

However, they did not care about how much noise they were making. They were too infatuated with each other to care. Was that love? Or was that lust? I really wanted to know because I definitely knew he didn't like Angela. I had no clue though he was into guys though.

Glancing at the time on my wrist watch, I cursed to myself. I needed to quickly get home so with one last look at them I decided to retreat the other way. They were in my way of the exit, but not wanting to disturb their moment I went through the fire exit.

Slipping through the fire exit, I began to think about what I just saw on my walk home.

Kane was snogging a guy. I knew he was cheating on Angela, but Angela was most likely doing the same. It still was wrong to cheat though. Mason must have not known Kane was gay otherwise he wouldn't have told me about him acting out of character.

But I wasn't going to tell Mason or anyone. It was Kane's business and I wasn't going to intrude on it.

Kane would eventually tell them, so for now I was keeping quiet about what I knew. I wasn't going to blackmail him, pester him or pressurise him into coming out.


So how was that? Kane isn't straight and doesn't have feelings for Angela whatsoever. I always wanted a gay character in my book!

Anyway please VOTE and feel free to COMMENT. Don't be shy!! I will see you soon my lovelies <3

Gem Gems

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