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Getting ready for my interview, I collected my bag with my birth certificate in it. I needed at least a form of identification.

As I began to grab my coat from the hook, my leg vibrated, telling me I had a notification. Sliding my hand into my jean pocket, I clasped my phone and took it out. An unknown number had sent me a text message.

To: Leia Owens
Have plans?
From: Unknown number

Frowning in confusion, I replied hastily back.

To: Unknown number
Who is this?
From: Leia Owens

To: Leia Owens
A really dashingly handsome man ;)
From: Unknown number

Quirking my eyebrows up, I shook my head secretly disagreeing with him. I knew who it was because I only knew one person from the male species.

To: King of Idiots
So, where did you get my number from?
From: Leia Owens

To: Leia Owens
For me to know and for you to never ever find out...
From: King of Idiots

To: King of Idiots
OK, I'll just ask everyone on my contact list, shall I? Any way, what do you want?
From: Leia Owens

To: Leia Owens
Don't bother, it isn't anyone from your contact list. I know some people alright. Btw, I would like to start our project.
From: King of Idiots

To: King of Idiots
What're you in the mafia or something haha? And sure let's start our project after my interview. How about the beach? 11:00?
From: Leia Owens

To: Leia Owens
Or something and yeah that's cool. 11:00 it is.
From: King of Idiots

After checking the time, I quickly hurried outside, slammed my front door and locked it. Chills ran up my spine as I began my walk to the Café.

Feeling like eyes were watching my every move, I quickened my pace. I still hadn't forgotten about them and how I owed them money. That was mostly why I was trying for a job. I needed the money and hopefully if I got the job then I would be able to pay them back with no complications.

But what still was going through my mind, was that would they leave me alone? I heard how some people paid them and they came back for more. Would that happen to me?

"So, let's start shall we?" The manager, Stella, smiled, whilst sitting back in her seat. "Why do you want to work here of all places?"

Shaking with nerves, I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and started to answer the question.

"I always wanted to work as some kind of waitress," I smiled back, fiddling with the hem of my skirt. "It just seems like such a fun job in general."

She nodded along with what I was saying and fired back another question. I replied back with ease and after swiped bits of my hair behind my ear anxiously with my trembling hand.

"Congratulations you have been successful. Here are two letters, one for you and the other is for you to pass on to your parent or guardian."

With that one sentence, my whole face dropped and turned sickly pale. Swallowing once again, I nodded one last time before collecting the letters and hurrying out.

Walking out the Café into the fresh air, I started making my way to the beach. I was meeting up with Mason to do our project. Sadly, it was the same beach I had went to when I was little.

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