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I had 8 treatments in all. I had 4 rounds of red devil/cytoxin and 4 rounds of taxol. I also took a shot for bone marrow and platelets. My husband set rite beside thru every chemo treatment . The very first chemo treatment was horrible . I got home and needed to throw up but couldn't throw up. I laid in bed for a week just tossing and turning from being so nauseated , the lights hurt my eyes and head, food cooking turned my stomach , and anytime someone would say red devil I would get sick. That went on for 3 more treatments, every treatment I would say I can't do this anymore I don't want to do this anymore but I did it . I started taxol in November and I would have 4 in all, and oh my goodness it hurt like hell. I would take it on a Tuesday and go take the neulasta shot on Wednesday by Thursday I couldn't hardly walk. It hurt so bad it felt like glass was cutting threw my bones and then I had neuropathy in my legs and no feeling in my hands and feet . I finished my treatments January 24, 2017. I rang the bell I cried tears of joy but also tears of sadness for the ones still fighting.

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