Author's Note (Important Update12/25/19)

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Hello Everyone, 

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your families. As I come to the end of this year, I am truly amazed that I have finished this series completely. I could not have done it without the help of each and every one of my readers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Additionally, I need to share some exciting and important news with all of you. I have decided to self publish Enforcing Boundaries through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing program. This is a new opportunity for me to market my book to a completely new audience and hopefully make a name for myself outside of Wattpad. 

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing has many options that I am still discovering, but I am planning to complete the process of turning Enforcing Boundaries into an E-Book in January and hopefully a hard-copy soon after. So, for those of you who have been messaging me because you are itching to get a hard copy of Enforcing Boundaries, your wait is almost over!

This does mean I have to remove most of Enforcing Boundaries from Wattpad. I know-ugh.

I love Wattpad, my readers, my commenters, my followers, and everyone in between. Wattpad has taught me so much from when I first joined 10 years ago (wow, has it been that long?) to today. But, I am ready to take the next step.  

I understand that not everyone can support me through the Amazon Kindle app but I want to thank you for supporting me here.  I love workshopping my stories here and getting feedback and criticism so that I can turn these books into something great. 

Thanks for reading this update! Cross your fingers for me!

Much love, 


PS. The rest of the Boundaries Series is not being taken down when this transition happens, but it will happen soon. 

PPS. Wattpad will always be my home. If for some reason Amazon does not work out, I will be republishing Enforcing Boundaries here. 

Enforcing Boundaries (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now