The Whitemist Hospital

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It was a day like another at the Whitemist hospital. The atmosphere was warm and lively, the air fresh and the sound of many different voices filled those white walls. Doctors were rushing through the corridors, patients were either resting peacefully or lying awake, letting the expert medic cure them.

The dark wooden doors, that led to the main hall of the building, opened, and two breathless gentlemen came in.
"I'm here..! I'm finally here..!!" Let out Utterson, and took a few deep, exhausted breaths.
"It was about time, John!" Replied, with a bit of irritation in his voice, a gentleman, with red eyes, and coal colored hair, whose arms were crossed in front of his chest.
"I'm truly sorry Richard." apologized Gabriel, before placing a hand on his shoulder. Then, he smiled widely at Hyde, who was next to him. "Now, look! I found the solution to our problem! Dr Hyde, this is Richard, my cousin-" "and chief executive officer of this hospital."
Richard looked down at the short blonde man, with clear disbelief in his face. "..How is this kid gonna solve our problem?"
"This 'kid', as you call him, is a doctor! An excellent one!" Clarified Utterson enthusiastically.

Edward began to think, with nostalgia, at the years he spent studying science and medicine, as Jekyll, with his friend Utterson. It was weird for him to think that the man next to him was the same gleeful kid he used to be friend with many years before, and that Utterson didn't even know that next to him there was that very same brown haired boy he used to play with, and that he hadn't heard of for god knows how much!

"Well," said Richard "I'll have to check a few things Dr..?"
"-Dr Hyde. Like for example your degree in medical science, your MRCP qualification," Richard began listing tons of other types of certifications.
Hyde bit his lower lip. What was he going to give him? What was he going to explain his situation? And was explaining his situation the best choice?

Gabriel glanced at the blonde one, and after a few moments of thinking, he gently touched his shoulder to catch his attention, and winked at him.
Richard, unaware of that signal Utterson gave to Hyde, kept ranting, mostly to himself, and counted the different documents he was naming on his fingers.
Meanwhile, Gabriel slowly walked off, taking advantage of his cousin's inattention, and got to the nearest table. He put down the papers he carried and started selecting a few, compiling them and signing them. Between a document and another, he looked back at Richard, but during one of these glances, his eyes met the ones of Edward, who raised a brow in confusion. In response, Gabriel put his pale finger upon his lips, and let out a feeble "ssh!"

"And most importantly, I need your LRCP certificate" concluded Richard, looking back at Hyde. In that very moment, Gabriel rushed back to the two men, with the papers he had modified in his hands.
"Here's everything you need, Mr chief executive officer!" Gabriel said, giving him the documents he was carrying. "Now Sir," said the silvery haired man, putting an arm around Hyde's shoulder."My colleague and I have to go! See you around dear cousin!" And with those words Utterson pushed Edward in the direction of the main hallway, and they made their way through the hospital.

Edward gave a quick look at the papers Richard was given by Utterson. "You... you forged those documents." Muttered he.
"Yep." Gabriel shrugged.
"...that doesn't sound very legal."
Utterson sighed. "It doesn't sound very legal to leave a poor soul bleeding because of some papers either, don't you think?"
Edward smiled, and nodded at his companion. After all, ha wasn't wrong.

Utterson led Hyde through the corridors, and then stopped in front of another section of the building, with beds divided by silky curtains.
"Okay uhm.." Gabriel double checked the medical records of a patient then looked up and counted the beds. "Your patient, Edward, is a certain "Stephen Winston"... he fell from the stairs and broke his left arm... poor man. His humerus is fractured and there's a huge gash on the inside of his arm... he should be on the... 2,3,4... sixth bed from the right. Good luck, Dr Hyde." Gabriel said, smiling sincerely at the blonde man, then walked away.
"Wait!" Said Hyde "aren't you coming?" John became even paler and smiled fearfully. "Dear god, no! Unless you wish to move my unconscious body in one of those beds! Eheh.."
"What..? Why..?" Questioned Edward.
Utterson forced a grin on his face. "Because a certain person thought that making a character, who is a medical doctor, scared of blood would be a funny and hilarious idea for a story, amn't I right Nicole?" He commented, with sarcasm in his voice.
"..who is Nicole..?" Asked Hyde confused.
"Ah that's... kind of a long story! should really go now! Your patient is waiting for you! Good luck!" Gabriel stuttered, handing him the medical records, pushing him forward and taking a few steps back.

Hyde was still a bit confused, and very unsure of what he was doing. He glanced back at Gabriel, who raised his thumbs up, and smiled cheerfully with his red eyes. Edward recalled seeing that same sincere smile years before, and his own lips curled up at that memory. That small gesture from John gave him all the courage he needed. He turned around, and with decision and confidence in his movements, he walked to the bed where his patient was waiting for him.

Edward moved aside one of the curtains, and eyed the patient that was lying on the bed. At the sight of that injury, Hyde felt a strong glow of courage, like a voice inside, that demanded him to ease that poor man's pain.
He smiled at the man. Edward felt confident in what he was doing. It felt like that was what he was meant to do.


Utterson was walking around the corridor connected to the section of the hospital where he left Edward. He was biting his lower lip and from time to time, he passed a hand through his white hair.
"What did I do?" He asked himself, under his breath. "I just took a random stranger from the street and allowed him of performing surgery in a hospital?! What in hell was I thinking?! What if he turns out to be a horrible doctor? What if he isn't a doctor at all?! Oh dear, what am I going to say to Richard?! Good lord, he's going to-"

Suddenly, Hyde came out of that section of the hospital, and was now walking toward Utterson. Gabriel ran into him.
"H-how did it go? How is he??"
Edward smiled at him. "You want to look for yourself? He is resting right now."
Hyde led Gabriel to the bed of Winston, and the other followed him fearfully. Edward pushed aside the curtain. Utterson widened his eyes:
In front of him, there was a man, peacefully resting under the comfortable blanket, with his arm meticulously wrapped in white bandages; there wasn't a single sign of pain in his expression.
Gabriel stared in amazement for some minutes before walking away, with a relieved smile on his face.
Hyde followed John, who went through different corridors, before finding a quiet corner, where he could talk to Edward without being disturbed.

The red eyed man took a deep breath, and stared into the other's eyes.
"Thank you," he said, with calmness and firmness. "from the bottom of my heart. I honestly have no idea what I would have done without you. I've been really lucky to bump into a talented doctor such as yourself." A blush colored Edward's white cheeks.
"It was a pleasure to help." The blonde one mused.
And it was true. Hyde felt a great, sincere pleasure, knowing that his actions brought happiness to the life of another person; an innate, and innocent delight, that made him feel lighter than the air.

Edward looked down at his own feet. A thought was forming in his head, but his modesty was keeping him from sharing said though with Gabriel.
Unfortunately for him, John read in his face that something was amiss.
"Is something wrong Hyde? Do you want to say anything?"
Hyde inhaled, and in a glow of courage, he gave voice to his thoughts.
"May I... I mean... you seem to be pretty busy... and maybe... I could help you? If there's room for another doctor here..?"
Gabriel widened his eyes and shortly after smiled widely. He held his hand toward Hyde, and the latter shook it enthusiastically.
"I've never been more happy to bump into someone, Dr Hyde!" Chuckled Gabriel happily.


"I'm hooome!!" Utterson shouted, opening the door of his house.
"Ah, welcome back." Said a sweet low voice.
"You're not gonna believe what happened today!" Continued the silvery haired man, as he hung his coat and took off his shoes. "I've been so damn lucky! You know I told you that we needed a substitute for Dr Miles? Well, this morning I bumped into this guy-whose name is Edward Hyde- and- hey! What is this smell? What are you cooking?!"
The voice contained a small laugh. "Salmon. Your favorite."
Utterson chuckled and rushed to the kitchen. "Fantastic! Simply delightful!"
"Now Gabriel, let's head to the dining room, so you can tell me all about this Edward Hyde, okay?"
"Sure thing Hastie!"

The strange swap of Dr Hyde and Mr JekyllWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu