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Chapter 2

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A Watcher

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A Watcher. A full-grown Watcher, who didn't even know. This was too hilarious.

I stood up and burst out laughing. The Watcher didn't look particularly entertained. He looked rather pale to be honest, the poor lad. This must have been his first run in with a non-mortal.

Of all the hillbilly towns I could've chosen, I chose the one with an unknowing Watcher. Maybe this town was worth more than its booming sororities.

I sat down on a chair a bit further down the stairs and tried to contain my laughter. The poor boy looked like he was about to pass out.

"A God?" he whispered. He rubbed his eyes and looked down at his hands. "I'm losing my mind..."

Well, I could lose myself in those weird eyes. One was brown and one was green. Looked beautiful in a very odd way. He was very striking really. Long, black hair hanging like a curtain brushing his shoulders, high cheekbones. He looked Native American. And oddly familiar for some reason too... I was sure I had seen him before, but I couldn't place him at all. There was something about the arch of his browns and his full lips. Maybe his nose?

"Nah, not yet anyways," I said followed by another laugh. This was too good to be true. I could so take advantage of this. "Listen, mate, you're a Watcher. I reckon your parents were as well, but just haven't told you about this special little gift they've given you."

"What?" He looked utterly confused.

"Right, so when Big Daddy, the guy in charge, you might refer to him as 'God' or 'Allah' or whatever. When he created earth and all that, he grew incredibly bored and created more gods. But then some of us grew more bored and created mortals. Mortals looked like they had a bunch of more fun than us, so we started hanging out down here, instead of running about in Paradise. Big Daddy wasn't too happy about this, so he created the Watchers.

"They sniff us out and send our asses back to Paradise. Or they used to. Now they more or less just go through life without ever using their powers. Big Daddy trusts his angels more with the heavy lifting of returning us home for our spanking and time outs. So colour me impressed to actually find a Watcher here, in the middle of nowhere."

He still looked confused. How much explaining did this even need? Gods, mortals became more and more stupid with the rise of technology. I blamed smartphones.

He rose to his feet, his legs shaking under him. He didn't even bring his backpack when he left the classroom. I rose too, rolling my eyes.

I could either leave right now and let the poor boy have a meltdown, or I could track him down. Especially considering his powers. Gods couldn't sense other gods or see them like he could, so having a Watcher with me could mean... I could disappear. For real this time. I could actually get away with it. With all of it.

From all of it.

From all of it

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