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Chapter 4

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I didn't know how I ended up letting Saga talk me into going to this party

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I didn't know how I ended up letting Saga talk me into going to this party. I didn't know a single person here. She... Or well right now, he, I guess, didn't seem to mind that fact at all. Everybody's eyes were on him as soon as we entered the sorority house.

He immediately found the redhead, who had invited us. She looked like she just jumped out of the pages of some adult magazine judging by the clothes or lack thereof, she was wearing. Made me feel entirely underdressed in my loose jeans and t-shirt.

Saga didn't seem to mind that one bit either. That everyone were better dressed than me. In a suave move, he slid his arm around her waist and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle like crazy. He grinned at me and let the redhead lead him to the dance floor.

I didn't know what to do with my hands or with the rest of myself, so I decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink. Maybe that would help me relax.

Somebody had put a giant bathtub in the middle of the brown kitchen and filled it with beer cans. I spotted Troy talking to some guy and headed towards him. He smiled and yelled my name, wrapping his arm around my neck.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, surprised. I raised my beer can.

"Having a beer."

His smile expanded and his arm tightened around me. "I am just happy you're actually outside of our room. Anyways, this is Kyle. Kyle, this is my roommate; Seth!"

"Hey man, I've heard a lot about you!" Kyle said in a friendly tone. I smiled and took a sip of my beer, not really sure how to respond to that. I had never in my life heard Troy talk about a Kyle. Maybe he had. I usually tuned out, when he started talking about guys.

All of a sudden Saga stood next to me almost causing another heart attack. Not just to me but to Troy too.

"Holy hotness," he whispered, his eyes wide.

Saga didn't look very pleased but then he spotted Troy and smiled halfly at him.

"What happened to the redhead?"

"Ugh, she was from Mississippi," he said like it explained anything. "Who's your friend?"

"Not from Mississippi," Troy hurried to say with a sly grin. Kyle shot him a look and left the three of us alone.

"I can hear that. Let me guess. Cali?"

"How did you know? I thought I had lost most of my Cali accent."

Saga smiled showing his pearly whites which would have made a dentist proud. "I can just tell."

"Well, that's great and all but we should get going, right buddy?" I was not really interested in stuffing my ears with whatever I could find later this night, just to drown out those two.

"Yeah, see ya later Seth, go have fun or something," Saga replied without even looking at me.

Knowing I might have lost my roommate to a god, I started back to the living room. And stopped. Abruptly.

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by Fray
Seth is a quiet guy who stays out of trouble, but trouble seems to ha...
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