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I couldn't begin to tell you how long I sat in that small park, my butt plastered to the cold stone bench; thoughts whirring around in my head so fast it made me dizzy. What I could tell you though was it was now dark. Dark was bad, dark meant that I had indeed spent a great deal of time in this park. Dark meant trouble.

Unfolding my legs from beneath me, I climbed off of the bench and stretched my arms up towards the sky dotted with tiny stars. My sleeves slid down and exposed my bare skin, sending goose bumps down my arms. I guess dark and cold went hand-in-hand.

I pulled my hoodie tighter around me and started back towards the school. All of the lights in the shop windows had already been turned off, leaving me to rely on memory to find my way back down the streets.

Something I had never been very good at was directions. Of course I knew left from right, but north, south, east, and west; not a clue. I took my best guess and headed off in what I thought would be the general direction of the school. All I really had to do was find the main road and I would be good.

Apparently I'm not very good at guessing either. This was definitely not the way back to school. I turned around and started back the way I had come.

Shit. Shit. Shit. None of this looked familiar! I didn't recognize any of the street names, or dark store windows. Where was I?

My breath started to quicken. I had always been easily scared, and I'll admit that I am still afraid of the dark. I blame my over active imagination, I would be fine if it weren't for the fact that whenever I was in the dark, my mind would immediately dig up all of the horror movies I had ever seen.

I had to think, find the main road, ask for directions, something.

Of course! Stupid me, I'll just call Liam, he did say if I needed anything to call his cell.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, quickly scanning through the list of names and hitting the send button on Liam's.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Damnit. Pick up Liam." I mumbled.

Ring. Ri-

"Hello?" Liam answered his voice sounding frantic.

"Hey Li-"

"Oh My God! Lily!"

"Uh, yea. Can you not scream?"

"Where the hell are you?" Liam continued to scream.

"I don't know. I went into the town and got lost. I'm on some street called-" I looked around and found a small street sign. "Pine Oak Street."

"SHE'S ON PINE OAK STREET!" I heard Liam scream away from the phone.

"Liam! Stop screaming, just tell me how to get back." I said getting irritated.

"No! Don't move, he's coming to get you."

"Who?" I asked puzzled.

"Your Uncle."

"Liam! No! Don't tell him I snuck out! He'll kill me!"

"Too late, he just took off in his car. The whole school has been looking for you."

"What? Why?"

"You disappeared, you've been gone since this morning. We thought you'd been kidnapped or eaten by a monster."

"Eaten by a monster?"

"Okay, so that was my theory, but who knows." I could almost see him rolling his eyes now.

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