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I lay in bed next to Klaus, who was peacefully sleeping. Last night we barely got any sleep. After cleaning Klaus up, he was still in phase which made him believe I'll leave him. His biggest fear was being alone and he fairly thinks I'll leave him forever. I think after a few hours, he grasped the idea that I wouldn't do that to him.

The night consists of long talks and he revealed so many stories I never knew about. Of course, I told him about my life, it wasn't much since I've only been alive for 18 years. I don't know, it's like I know everything I have to know about him.

And I know what you're probably thinking; Why would you forgive him? He killed your best friend's mom.

There was something in me that wanted to push away his flaws and forget all the bad things he's done, and only focus on him. The side of Klaus he wouldn't dare to show anyone.

"What are you thinking about, sweetheart?" I hear Klaus besides me, which makes me gasp in surprise. "Just about last night." I respond, facing him.

"Thank you for helping me last night." he says and trails his fingers up and down on my arm. "Of course." I give him a smile and he returns one.

Klaus gets off the bed and goes to his drawer, grabbing his shirt and putting it on. "Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up.

"You and I are going to your Lake house." he says and walks to the bathroom. I get up and follow him. "My lake house? Jeremy is there with Damon, why do we need to go?"

"Your brother is a hunter. You're a hunter. Don't you think you should train him?" he asks. He starts to brush his teeth and I do the same. "Since when did you care about my brother?"

"Since I met you."


I walk along with Klaus as I tell him some memorable Lake house stories from when I was younger. "That right there," I point to the dock, "is where I slipped and broke my wrist."

"You broke your wrist?" Klaus chuckles, looking over to the dock. "Yeah, the dock was really slippery and I slipped. I think hit my wrist really hard. I don't remember much."

I turn around when I heard Jeremy's voice. "Don't act like you care about my life. You care about the hunter's mark and curing Elena so she's not sired to your ass."

"Both require you to be alive. Which is why I updated our relationship status to 'it's complicated.' Have you talked to her at all? Elena?" Damon says.

"Maybe. Why? Running out of voicemails to listen to?" Jeremy snaps.

"I'm sorry. Did I interrupt play time?" Klaus jumps in and Jeremy stands up, eyeing both Klaus and I. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jeremy asks, looking at Klaus and gives me a smile.

"I'm simply appreciating the sights and smells of nature, neither of which presently include rotting vampire flesh, so I'm a bit concerned." Klaus says and turns to Damon, "How many vampires has he killed?"

"If we throw Jeremy out into the real world right now, he's chum."

"Yeah, see, that's not a number. Twelve. That's a number. That's how many of my hybrids I slaughtered with my sword. Three. That's how many days it took to quell the urge to kill your brother after he knowingly watched as I walked into a death trap. One. That's the number of purposes you serve. You are here to grow Jeremy's mark, so I'll ask again...How many vampires has he killed since he's been here?"

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