Chapter 18

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I flew out that room like a space rocket, running up the stairs and only stopping when I reached the main floor. I let the tray drop on the floor and bend down clutching my sides trying to slow my breathing. 

"Luna, are you ok?" a voice filled with concerned as a hand reached down to lightly touch my back.  I skittered away my nerves still on edge.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry." the voice wavered full of fear.  I peered over my shoulder to see that my victim was just a young teenage girl.  

"No, I  am sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to sound rude.  Please call me Celeste." I attempted to give her a half-hearted smile.

"Umm, its ok Lun- I mean Celeste." the timid teenager replied.  "Do you wish me to take the tray to the kitchen?"

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not."

"Thanks." Relief washed over me because what I wanted right now was to be alone.  After my encounter with Colin I was skittish. The girl picked up the tray off the ground and headed for the kitchen. "Hey  what's your name."


"Well thanks again Diane." I fled up the spiral staircase and sequestered myself in my room.  I pace the floor going over what happen between me and Colin.  There was something about him that made me turn into a mindless hormonal idiot.  Did all the women here swoon over him?  If I reacted this way towards him, then I'm sure that most of the single female population here did too.  The thought of him being with other women caused anger and jealousy to surface.  I had no right to these feelings and I hated Colin for making me feel this way.  I threw myself on the couch headfirst screaming into the cushion. What the hell was wrong with me to let some man I just met, tie me into knots like this. I had my share of hot men in New York but none made my insides turn into a hot, thirst machine. 

I didn't want any this.  I had to get out of this place but Colin promise that they would restore Sweetie, my baby camaro.  I just need to keep my distance from him and wait until I get my car fix and work on getting my IDs replace.  


The next day I had begun the process to retake my life.  After breakfast, Natalie took me down to the technology building where I reapplied over the internet to get my New York driver's license.  It would take two weeks before I received those in the mail.  After that was done, Natalie took me to a  part of the compound I haven't seen before, the garage.  It was a fully state-of-the-art working garage and my car was dejectedly hanging in the air on a raised slab. The shiny royal blue paint job was now dull and the back window and windshield were gone from the gunfire it sustained in the car chase.  Bullet holes riddle the back and sides of the body and the tires were shredded.

"Jack this is Celeste, the owner of the car." Natalie introduce me to biggest hulking man I've seen close up.  He reminded me of the wrestler, The Rock, pre-hollywood. He was one big bulging muscle and one I would pick any day to be on my side in a fight.

"Hey Celeste. I gotta tell you that your car is going to need a lot of work." He wiped black grease stains from his hands with a grease filled towel.  He stuck his hand out for me to shake it and I didn't hesitate to hold mine out.

"Do you think you can revive her?"

"Hell yea, never lost one yet!" he grinned.  "Gonna have to start from the bottom tho.  We gotta strip her  down, sand the frame and look for weakness caused by the water."

I nodded, "How long?"

"That's hard to say. One, maybe two months."

"Months?" I screeched. I wasn't sure if I could hold out that long.

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