Chapter 30

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Where is he?! I screamed at Dylan through the mind link.


That piece of shit alpha!

He's here with us in your office.

Keep him there I'll be there in a minute. I tolerated that disrespectful lil shit for Celeste sake but he will learn that I can only be pushed so far. My wolf demanded blood his blood and I will happily give it to him. I could barely contain my wolf or monster as Celeste called him inside of me. I shut out the image of the fear that Celeste had when she looked at me. A sharp pain ripped through my heart just thinking about the possibility of losing her.

I stormed through my office intent on my target. Sean turned just as my fist connected with his jaw sending flying back over my desk. I didn't give him a chance to recover before I pounced on top of him delivering a set of blows to his face and mid section. After a barrage of of my fists of fury, I received a kick in the gut sending me backwards into the wall. Sean jumped up wiping a trickle of blood from his mouth.

"I'm not going to fight you, but I'm also not going to be your personal punching bag!" Sean backed away from me as I stalked towards him intending to let more of my frustration out.

"I told you not to tell her anything, and you did any way! So you just volunteered to be my personal punching bag!" The coward had the nerve to cower behind Dylan as if that would stop me. Duck Dylan! As I screamed through our mind link, Dylan ducked and I swung savoring the sound of a crunch. Sean staggered back clutching his nose.

"Son of a bitch you broke my nose!" Sean whined nasally trying unsuccessfully to stop the flow of blood. Now that my blood debt was satisfied; I walked over to my cabinet grabbing a towel out of one of the cabinets. I threw the towel at Sean, "Don't get blood on my floor."

Sighing I sunk down into my padded swivel chair closing my eyes. I hope by giving Celeste the time she needed alone she will realize that we belong together. That despite my alter ego she can accept me and my wolf and not be afraid of us.

"Look man I'm sorry but I couldn't lie to her anymore. It broke my heart to see her so distraught. I hated lying to her years ago and sure as hell couldn't do it anymore. I think you should've trusted her more and told her the truth from the start. Maybe then she wouldn't be feeling betrayed. She's not sure what to believe."

"Don't spew that shit at me! You didn't do this for her, you did it for yourself! I know all about you and your pack! You couldn't handle the position of alpha and turn tail and left." I had the team do a background check on him as soon as he step foot on my lands.

"You don't know a fucking thing about me!" Sean shook and I could see he was on the verge.

"What leading a pack was too hard for you that you left your Luna to do it?" I knew it was low but I wanted him to feel some of the pain I was feeling. A ripple went through Sean as he tried to keep his wolf at bay. "What don't like noone talking about your mate? Now you have a inkling of how I feel when you took away my chance to tell my mate the truth!"

"You're right. I.." Sean didn't get to finish what he was going to say when the door swung open with force and Sally stood there with tears in her eyes. No one and I mean no one barges into my office without permission, so to see her there in tears meant something was wrong. I rose from my seat, "Sally?"

"They took her and attacked the boys, my boy!" She wailed. My heart stopped beating for a second as her words hit me with the force of their meaning. But I needed confirmation.

I rushed over to her placing my hands on her shoulders, 'Took who?"

"Our Luna." She whispered.

"Where? Where, Sally!" Panic set in as I tried shaking the answer out of her. Dylan grabbed me to pull me off of her.

"They were at the watering hole." As soon as she said the location, I alerted the security team to go check it out. I hit the hallway running and shifted into my wolf. No, this can't be happening. Celeste was safe, she was at the clearing where I left her.

Colin the boys are at the field of wildflowers.

In a matter of minutes I came upon the spot where security and the boys were. I shifted back and one of the guys threw me a pair of basketball shorts that I donned on quickly. My heart broke when I looked at the scene of the three young wolves laying still and four other younger boys huddled to together sniffing. One of the younger boys broke from the huddle and rushed towards me. Kurt are they dead?

No, but hurt pretty bad. The medical team is on the way.

I turned my attention to the boy when he reached me. "We-we t-tired to stop them and run away."

"Steven? It's Steven right?" the boy nodded his head. "Tell me what happened me?"

"We found Ms. Celeste laying here and she looked kinda of sad, so we tried to cheer her up. We went to the watering hole and she watched us. Then four men came and said they were taking her back. Robbie and others tried to stop them, I swear. They shifted and that's when we ran. But their leader grabbed me and told Ms. Celeste that if she didn't go with them they would kill us. It's my fault! I wasn't fast enough!"

"It's not your fault Steven. What you guys did was brave. Thank you for trying to protect our Luna. Scott see that the boys get back to their mothers." The medical team showed up with stretchers and placed the young wolves on them. "I want a full update once you check them." Dylan and Sean was there when Kurt informed us that the male wolves were definitely from Vulance. He had the trackers follow their scent to where they entered on our territory.

"Now we know what they were after?" Dylan said solemnly.

"Celeste." This was no action of a few rogue pack members from Vulance. This had to be condone by their alpha. He comes to my lands and steal from me? There was hell to be paid and his life should satisfy that debt!

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