Sophie's Little Monsters

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Sophie went to see what her mother wanted.  "Sweetie time to go inside.  Your father is busy helping the other.  Let go have some lunch, come on now." said Julie as she extended her hand.  Sophie grabbed onto her hand, then she thought to herself, should I tell mom, what I saw.  Maybe it's just a rabbit coming digging himself out from the avalanche.  I'll check the spot after lunch, then if it's anything out of this world, then I tell mom."  

They went into the house and Julie sat Sophie next to Eric's mother.  "Sophie, listen to stay here and eat with Mrs. Anderson.  I need to take some food and coffee to the diggers.  I don't want you outside wandering around.  I'll be right back." explained Julie  "Don't worry child, go do what you have to, I'll make sure she stays out of trouble.  Now go on now." said  Mrs. Anderson  "If you need me, just scream out my name and I'll come running." she said as she went up the steps and out of the bomb shelter.    She walked over to Mark who was a couple of houses away.  

She began to pour coffee for her husband and the others.  Then she handed them two sandwiches each.  "Thanks, honey.  This coffee is awesome.  This will surely warm us up. Thanks again." Mark said as he gives her a kiss, then continued eating.

Meanwhile back at the shelter, "Mrs. Anderson, I'm done eating, may I go sit on the swing.  Please, I won't wander off, I'll just swing for a little while." Sophie asked with a bright smile.  "You mom said to stay put, and you better stay put." said Mrs. Anderson  "Please, Please," said Sophie with a puppy look of pity on her face.   

"Well, stop looking at me like that.  Look if you promise to stay on the swing and not wander off, I let you go." said Mrs. Anderson  "Thank you, I promise, If you need me, I'll be in the yard on the swing." said Sophie as she ran up the steps and out the door.   She quickly ran to the backyard.  She quickly looked under the swing.  Now there wasn't any dirt, under the swing.  There was a large hole underneath the swing.  Sophie began to examine the hole.  

"What is this?  Something digs itself out. but what?  Hey, cute is that, look little footprints.  Whatever it was, it has three toes.  Man, I can follow the footprint, but I promised I wouldn't wander off.  Oh, well she'll propriety fall asleep anyway.  Let me go quickly before she sees me, walking away." she said to herself as she began to follow the tiny little prints.  As she got further into the forest, the prints just stopped.  With no directions at all, the last prints didn't lead anywhere.  "This can't be, they stop here.  But where did he go from here?  UP?" she asked herself as she began to look up in the tree above her.

Whatever was in that tree saw her and they began to run further up the tree, trying to hide from Sophie.  The moment they moved, she did notice.  "Hey, I saw you, you know!" she screamed as she got closer to the tree.   Then to her surprise, she saw lots of little creatures, with small bodies, they look like babies climbing further up the tree.   

"Hey, what are you?  Who are you? Come back down here." she said as she started to climb the tree.   When they saw her coming their way they began to climb further and further up.  Sophie was tired so she stopped climbing and sat down.  While sitting on a branch she looks up, "Hey, come down here.  I won't hurt you, I promise." she said   Then with a tiny squeaky noise, "Go home little girl, go away." said Ake as he hid behind the leaves.  

"I'll leave when you come down," she said with a smile."    "Girl go home!" said Ahoy.   When Sophie was about to talk to him again, she happened to hear her mother call out her name.  "Oh, no, I'm in trouble.  Look!  I must go now, but I'll come to see you tomorrow.  Are you hungry?  You must be, I'll see you tomorrow and I'll make sure I bring you something to eat.  Bye now." she said as she began to climb back down the tree.  The quickly ran down the steps.  "Mother did you call me?" she asked  "Did I tell you not to wander off!" she yelled   "I didn't wander off, I was climbing a tree, that's why you did see me.  I'm sorry, I was bored.  What did you want?  Why did you call me?" Sophie asked  

"Look, I need you to do the dishes and get ready for bed." said Julie  "For bed, mother it's only six, it's too early." she said while looking at the clock  "Well if you don't want to sleep, after you do the dishes, go to your room and watch TV.  Mrs. Anderson is taking a nap.  Just make sure you don't bother her. I'm going to see if your father and the other need any help.  I need you to lock the door behind me." explained Julie as she began to go up the steps.  "Do you have a key?  I might fall asleep you know." said Sophie  "I don't have one, but your father does, now eat, bath and go to your room.  Got it!" said Julie as she locked the door behind her, then Sophie placed the lock.  Then she took a bath, ate and to her bedroom she went.

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