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Carter's POV

I phoned Aiden this morning telling him to organize a gang meeting at the gang house. There's a lot of shit going on and my closest gang members need to know about it.

There's a new gang arising and they are challenging our status as the most powerful gang. Guess what the new gangs leader is actually an old friend.

His names Jack, he was my neighbor when I first moved here. We instantly became friends both being trouble makers. When drifted apart when we went to different schools.

I shake my head shaking off the feeling. Looks like I'll be facing an old friend who's now turned to an enemy. Fuck.

I had to get to the gang house early this morning. Wanting to be hear on time and because if I came early I wouldn't need to listen to my mom give me a long ass lecture.

When I got here no one was here. They probably all spent the night out. Having on night stands.

Hey we're guys we need to fill our needs. The only members of my gang I wanted here for the meeting were my close friends.

I told everyone else to get out and stay away from the gang house until I say it's okay to come back.

I'm not exactly the nicest person at all times so they know better than to disrespect me. Going against my orders, they know they'll be punished. Not a small punishment a big one.

Anyway my main crew in the gang consists of four of my friends. Aiden my second in command and my best friend. And the other three are really good friends of mine; Sebastian, Zayn and Cameron.


Guess what everyone besides Aiden was here. So it's not like we can start the meeting without a member of our crew. Especially if that person happens to be the second in command.

I swear I'm going to kill that jack ass for being late. His never late so he better have a really good excuse. But I wouldn't be surprised if that idiot forgot about the meeting itself.

Sebastian, Zayn and Cameron decided to play some PlayStation because and I quote, "Aiden is taking fucking long and we need to occupy ourselves for the time being."

The king of stupid himself said so, aka Zayn.

I'm surrounded by idiots.


It's been twenty minutes and Aiden still hasn't showed up. I was beginning to wonder if something happened to him on his way here...

But then he would of contacted at least one of us. I shake that thought. Aiden's a gang member he knows how to take care of himself.

Just then the dumbass walks, correction strolls in like his not late for an important gang meeting. I honestly hope for your sake you have a worthy excuse. You may be my best friend but I'm known for being merciless.

"Where the fuck have you been this entire time?" I grit out, pissed because I've been waiting almost half an hour to start.

"I was up the street."

That caught the three stooges playing PlayStation's attention.

"Then how the hell are you so late?" Asks Cameron.

"Met a hot girl." He replies putting a smirk on his face.

"What hot girl? There's no hot girls living in this street." Scoffed Sebastian.

"The only girls living here are desperate and damn ugly." Zayn adds shuddering.

"She's new, moved into old man Greys house. And let my tell you she is hot. Not only is she hot but not afraid to speak her mind. She's a little spitfire."

"So you get her digits?" Inquires Zayn.

"Nope, my charm didn't work on her..." he sighs.

I burst out laughing. This guy's joking right?!

"What charm? Your nonexistent one?" I ask chuckling.

"Hey, that sounds like something she would say!"

"Wow I'm guessing you don't even know her name and she was most likely roasting you throughout your conversation with her." States Sebastian in a matter of a fact tone.

Aiden doesn't reply and looks down. Pink trailing up his neck. Looks like Sebastian is right once more!

We all have a good laugh about it. Once the laughing dies down I start the meeting.

"Guys we need to start, there's a fuck load to get through. And we can't keep the others out of the house for much longer."

They nod.

"So what's up boss?" Asks Cameron.

"There's a new gang arising and they're challenging our status."

All of their jaws tighten. We take pride in this gang. The five of us built it from nothing, so when someone challenges us we don't take it lightly.

"Who's the brainiac?" Asks Aiden.

"Jack Evans." I state.

I clench my fists so tight my knuckles whiten.

Their eyes widen and their months open in shock. Evans doesn't seen man enough to run a gang so it caught them by surprise.

"What's the gang called?" Inquires Zayn.

"They're going by KungFu Skulls."

"You've got to be fucking joking!" States Aiden with a bored expression.

"Who came up with it?" Asks Sebastian.

"The brainiac himself."

Everyone including me rolls their eyes. Pathetic.

"So boss what do you want us to do?" Asks Aiden rubbing his hands together evilly.

"Aiden I want to up all of our men's training. You'll be in charge of their training as well so don't fuck up."

"Why are we upping our training, are they that much of a threat?" Asks Cameron.

"They've not proven to be a threat as of yet, but I'm not taking any chances."

They nod.

"Sebastian I want you to hack all systems and see if you can find out their plans-anything in fact." I state looking at him.

Sebastian nods," Can I hack their cameras at their base too? You know if they have one."

I nod.

"Cameron I want to to watch everyone in the gang closely. Watch out for any moles. If you find anyone stealing information and selling it I want them killed immediately. No questions asked."

"Got it." He smirks evilly.

"Zayn I want you to up our gadgets and weapons. Get more, make sure the weapons room is fully stocked. And if you have time design some, since your good at shit like that."

"Can I test the weapons to make sure the work?" He asks smiling innocently.

"Do whatever any of you think is necessary, and keep this between us. That way if anyone brings it up they can be questioned because no one is here right now."

Everyone nods slowly taking everything in.

"What about that guy who owes you money what are you gonna do with him?" Asks Aiden, reminding me.

"Go get my money and if he doesn't hand it over shoot him."

"Kill him?" Asks Zayn


Hey guys...

I know I haven't updated in awhile, just been busy with school. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and to make it up to everyone I'll either update later to day or tomorrow.

It depends on how busy my day today is

P.S I'm really sorry😊


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