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 At the end of spanish, Aulani and I walked to the cafeteria together. When we got there, Mitchell was sitting across from Jessica Long, Jason across from Kenny Dunn, Kelvin Shoffel, and Ben Ruiz at the end. I took the seat next to Mitchell, who sat on the bench and not on the individual seats on the other side. 

“Hey guys!” Aulani says as she takes her seat opposite from me.

A bunch of hey’s and sup’s escape and bounce out on the open. And just when i start thinking this was a bad idea, Mitchell looks at me and shoves me a little with his shoulder.

“You look really pretty Scarlett.”


“I didn’t know all of this was hiding under those old glasses of yours. If I had known... well i’m not exactly saying that i dig the superficial stuff a lot and i’m all about it. Its just your not the kind to demand attention. But i’m glad that you are now.”

“Thanks again.”

“So what did you get in Chemistry last semester?”

“I got a 98 and you?”

“whoa! i’m not so much of an over achiever. i got a 85. But i’m sure that if i made an effort i would be in the 90‘s too.”

“Can we get back to that, i want to get something to eat on the lunch line.”

“same here, i’ll join you.”

 After that ‘i’ll join you’, Mitchell and I spoke to each other more while Riley and I were around each other a lot less. We hang out in the weekends and text each other in the weekdays. Which was fine. Mitchell never made things about us.We hardly spoke about our selves instead we spoke about everything else. Till last night; I was who he wanted to know more about.

“So your mom raised you?” Mitchell asks me with curiosity as he pokes his straw around in his 16 ounce slurpee.

“Well yeah. My dad left when i was barely 6. i still remember his face. My mom doesnt hate him though so there still are photos of us together somewhere in the attic.”

“When did your mom buy that awesome villa?”

“It belonged to my grandfather actually, my mom’s dad. It was in his will. We used to live in Oaks apartments. My mom moved out of my grandpa’s place when she married by dad. My grandpa died of lung cancer in the hospital when i was still a little girl so i grew up in the Villa. We come from old money ya know.”

“Old money? Like it was passed down from like a really long time?”

“The money in our family yes. The villa no. We always had money so I know for sure that my dad didnt leave because we struggled financially.”

“So your mom never told you why he left?”

“She told me that he never told her.” I said after taking another bite from my donut.

“oh, so you haven’t seen him since you we’re little? I mean he hasn’t looked for you or anything? call you on your birthday? Gifts? Knows your still alive?”

“I dont know. He could be that guy for all I know.” I say looking at the hobo with the shopping cart.

“But you know how he looks like.”

“Like I said Mitch, I haven’t seen him since I was a little girl maybe he has changed.”

“yeah thats true. He missed out on so much in your life.”

I sigh. “I know but its his loss. If he ever shows up in my life, he has some serious explaining to do. so... tell me about your family.”

“uhhh I have 4 siblings. I am the 2nd born. In front of me is my brother Kyle he’s 20. After me, is my sister camilla she’s 12. After her are the twin girls, Ana and Lauren both are turning 9 next month. You should come to the birthday party actually. Get to meet my family and hang out with my friends. You’ll have fun. Say you’ll come Scarlett.”

“Yeah i’ll go.”

“Awesome! So are you ready to go?”

“where are we going?”

“uhhh i can’t tell you. Its a surprise.”

“I cant stand surprises!”

Mitchell laughs a little and kisses my forehead.“Trust me on this one! you’ll have fun.”

We’re in Mitchell’s car going 60mph on a highway going toward south jersey. It’s Currently 4pm. And we’ve been in his car for about 3 hours. We take an exit called ‘Rio Grande’. I Never been to the southern part of Jersey so i have no idea where we’re going. But as we near the beach, i Have a feeling that we’re going on the boardwalk. 

And as Mitchell nears the last street near beach, well i smell junk food and i hear games and people having fun. 

“Are you serious Mitch?”

“You’ve been here before Scar?”


Mitchell’s face screams relief as he takes his car key out of the ignition. “Good! Scarlett welcome to Morey’s Piers!

Morey’s piers is amazing. Its a three Pier amusement park. With carnival games and loads of junk food. We didn’t go to the water park, but we had fun playing carnival games, getting on rollar coasters, and the gokarts. We pig out on cheese fries, cotton candy, and corn dogs.

“Oh man, Scar look!!! its a photobooth! lets go in!”

Mitch runs in behind a red curtain. I laugh and stick my head inside.

“Mitchell there is no space for me in here!”

“sure there is Scar, come sit on my lap. he pulls me into the booth and moves my bony bottom onto his lap. He slips in a 5 dollar bill and the booth voice starts counting down.

“Oh jeez,” I say covering my face with my hands. “I hate photography that involves me.

“No scar, Your beautiful.” Mitchel pulls my arms down and he links one of his hands with mine. He kisses my hand right when the booth flashed.

I gasp. “Mitch we should pose.”

“Okay then lets make funny faces.”

Flash after flash consisted of us sticking our tongues out and blow fish faces and everything in between.

“Hey scarlett look at this.” Mitchell says. I look back and next thing i know, Mitch’s hand touches my cheek and My lips touch his lips. Mitchell is kissing me!

Mitch and I are walking back to his car holding hands. Its about 8:30pm. And even-though life on the boardwalk is just as full with people as it was when we got here, Mitchell’s the only one i see.

-------Lady Woman Chick’s reason ------------------------------------------

Mitchell likes me!! i have proof!!! we’re at the skatepark. He’s holding my hand. He took me to south jersey yesterday and we kissed. the photo booth caught our lip lock session. I looked at the pictures over and over. there’s no denying there’s something there. After dating for about a month now, well i wouldnt be surprised if we made it official anytime soon

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