Training day part 2

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The last chapter was super short but this one is much longer. Enjoy! Also: I love reviews so please leave a comment and a like if you enjoyed it:)

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Early during our break Barton makes his way towards the large parallel bars at the other end of the training room. At first I thought he just wanted some space but then he actually made an attempt to climb the higher one of the bars which is installed about 10 feet above the gym floor.

Interested I followed him with my Gatorade in one hand and a protein bar in the other, still keeping my distance but now close enough to see him clearly. He kicked his tennis shoes off and shuffled the pole upwards, pulling himself up with his arms only. Reaching the top Barton crouched on the bar and, not really to my surprise, starts to eat something that looked a lot like the protein bar I was holding myself. So that would be the fourth one in an hour congratulations for good eating habits Barton. He also pulled a blue Gatorade bottle from his pants pocket and made some kind of picnic while still sitting on the thin metal beam in a crouch, only balancing on his bare feet. Still, he made that position look somewhat comfortable. As if the beam was a feet wide instead of two inches. Didn't he mention he was in the circus? Probably still clinging to some old habits.

I wonder why they even have parallel bars in here it's not like agents necessarily have to be trained in gymnastics.

My thoughts are disturbed by the chatter of a loud group of older agents, from the looks probably between 23 and 25, emerging from one of the doors directly to where Barton is crouched on the bar. The tallest of them throws a water bottle but misses Clint with several inches. Bad aim, I would have hit him.

This is going to be interesting. Time to see how well he handles provocation.

Seemingly unaffected he stays in his position and ignores the shouts from below.

"Still hiding up there you circus freak?" the one who threw the water bottle steps forward. "Are you afraid of me?"

A single finger is raised in his direction from the top of the bar.

"Not so much of a hero when Coulson isn't here to have your back, are you?"

Still Barton remains unmoved.

"You know, only cowards do distant kills. Anyone could be a sniper. There is nothing to it." The tirade continues. He ignores them, now focused on his protein bar.

"Coulson's not even a real agent. I don't know why a nine-to-fiver even works at S.H.I.E.L.D. It's not like he does any field work here. He is as useless as you are to this organization."

Barton placed his bottle on top of the pillar to his right and then just dropped backwards. He does a show-off back flip and lands right in front of the guy who spoke earlier just a breath away. Men. I shake my head but sneak closer to hear what they say anyways.

"Are you aware that I outrank you, AGENT? Technically I am your superior Jenner." Barton states, looking up into the other man's eyes like he owns the place. Even though the Guy he called Jenner is much taller and got at least a hundred or more pounds on him, Barton seems very confident in his position.

"The only reason you are on a higher level is, that Coulson favored you over everybody else Barton." There was pure hate and envy in his tone. "Or maybe... I am simply better than anyone else." Clint shot back. "We could test that theory if you could spare a minute." He gestured towards the shooting range and the training mats.

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