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So this one is a bit shorter but I hope you enjoy it! Leave a comment and a like if you don't mind:) ~ Flora

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When I come back. The Apartment is empty besides Barton's training duffle on the floor. I thought about searching him to ask for a sparring match but decided against it. I would just worsen his injury. Might as well do some training on my own. The general training isn't exactly up to my standards and as far as I know I still have an hour until lunch starts.

I make my way to the training room on this floor but find it already occupied by several other people. It is not as busy here as it was in Training Room 4 a few floors down though. The agents here are generally older that the ones I have seen earlier and seem to practice more difficult moves. Maybe this is the Gym of the senior agents I wonder but nobody stops me from entering so it might just be coincidence.

The equipment is also different from the things they had downstairs. There are mats for hand to hand combat but no boxing rings like the ones we used before. The range is quite similar but has a further maximum distance and more moving targets. Strange are the monkey bars which are spread over the ceiling and the walls. Creating a giant jungle gym parkour course with ladders, platforms, ropes and bars to use. I didn't spot them first time I was here but the room was only barely lit that time, so the ceiling was hidden from my view. I do wonder what this is for though. It's not like the ordinary agent had to move through tree tops.

The only thing that is exactly like in the other two training rooms I have already been in is the general gym equipment like heavy weights and rowing machines.

I round two sparring agents and make my way towards a vacant punching bag in the far corner of the room. I didn't want to be bothered any more today and hoped that they would just fail to see me. However I didn't see to get that lucky because just as I crossed the last 20yards to the punching bag, a voice greeted me "Hey Nat".
I recognized his voice immediately and looked around not spotting him until I saw the two poles I just walked past. My eyes wandered upwards and discovered Barton in handstand position on a parallel bar, looking down at me.
"Shouldn't you be resting to heal? Or at least stitch that up?" I didn't bothered with a greeting. "Stitch what up?" now he did something like reverse pull ups. Pushing himself up away from bar only to come down again and touch it with his hair.
I shook my head "You know exactly what I mean."
"No I don't"
"I can see you bleeding." I stated. You could see the red spots on the hem of his grey training shorts and the shirt rid up a little while he continued his push ups.
"Will do later." With that he focused back on his exercise, quickening his pace. Shaking my head, I dropped my water bottle and began to throw punches at the bag, causing it to sway back. Probably about five minutes later I could make out a movement in the corner of my eyes.
"Are you up for sparring? Real sparring I mean. Not the shit they made us do in the morning."
Thinking about if for a moment I took my time to reply. "Only if you let me stitch that bullet hole up when we are finished. And no hard hits. I don't want to get thrown out because I accidentally break your arm or something."
"Is that concern I hear there, Tasha?" Barton mocked.
"Don't call me that. And No. I owe you that's all. Also you seem to be the only decent sparring partner around here. I would prefer you intact."
He laughed. Actually laughed. What was so funny all of sudden? This guy doesn't make any sense. I waited until he calmed down again. "Care to start anytime?"
"Sure Nat!" Barton said, wiping tears out of his eyes and stepping onto the nearest mat.
"Don't. Call. Me. That. Birdbrain" I followed him suit. Why couldn't he just use my Name like everyone else?

This time I had the upper hand. His injury slowed him down and now I knew not to underestimate him like I had the first time. After 15 minutes I had Barton pinned down four times and he had landed some hits. Nothing serious but they would surely leave bruises.
"Want to shower and get something to eat?" He asked while I was helping him up from where I had him pinned on the mat. "Hm" I nodded and made my way towards the locker room where I knew the showers where. "Meet in 15 at the bunk?" Didn't bothering to answer I just gave him a thumps up over my back, entering the ladies locker room.

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