Chapter Two

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"Get up, Nyx!" One of my not so imaginary  friends yelled in my ear. "They're gonna get mad again." She reminded me.

Remembering what happened the last time I made breakfast late, I shoot off my so called bed. What was supposed to be a bed was just some old, torn up bed sheets on a long piece of card board.

Quickly changing into an over-sized shirt that reached my knee, I rushed into the kitchen and began making the ungrateful pigs that I live with some breakfast.

They're just lucky that I am a good person and haven't poisoned them so far, but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about doing it.

I decided to do something very simple, which meant less prepare time, so that I wouldn't have to see their hideous faces on such a beautiful day. 

When I was done with their egg, sausage and cheddar breakfast bowls, I placed them on the table before sneaking into the backyard with my own breakfast.

Slowly eating my breakfast, I listened to all the laughter of the little children as they were running around. 

The teenagers who lived in the pack house were already yelling, seeing as they forever have some type of drama going on.

Darlia's and Zach's voices interrupted me, as the sound of chairs being pulled let me know that they were about to eat. 

When I was done eating, I waited ten more minutes before going into the kitchen to see their empty bowls on the counter for me to clean. 

Sighing, I began cleaning up the kitchen before cleaning the rest of the house, seeing as they were both heading to work.

Zach was a coach and Darlia was a Vet. 

So that meant that I had the entire house to myself seeing as I did not go school, because I was more like a maid than a child. 

Then again, who wouldn't like not going to school, especially when it is filled with bitches and assholes who are just a bunch of dramatic werewolves.

When I was done cleaning the house, I began my daily horror movies marathon, as I took a bag of chips out of my secret junk foods stash. I was already running low on snacks, which meant I would have to go and buy some today and I wasn't looking forward to that.

It was around three thirty when I was tired of just sitting and watching television and because I had finished eating the remainder of my snacks, so I decided it was time for me to go buy some more.

I hated buying snacks, especially on week days, because the store that I usually go to is near to  the High School.

Finally talking myself into going, I put on my only good pair of jeans and was out the door.

Walking quickly, I tried to avoid any and everyone, since I was not really in the mood to hear anyone talking.

When I made it to the store, I purchased all my favourite snacks and paid the cashier. 

I tried to walk as fast as I could, while holding four plastic bags that could burst at any moment. 

Looking around, I saw Michelle and Jon with some of their friends just talking and doing their own thing, but what made me a little bit upset, was that Michelle had my necklace around her neck.

"Go get it," Elise, my not so imaginary friend said, while throwing daggers only I could see at her. 

If only they were real, but I don't support violence. 

"Stop pretending to be an angel. You know damn well you aren't innocent!" She said with attitude. 

Just then, one of Jon's friends, which happens to be the Alpha saw me looking at them.

Something twinkled in his eyes, before it disappeared as his laughed and pointed at me. 

I could feel the bond, slowly connecting. 

I couldn't believe it. Of all people who could be my next mate, I get stuck with a bad boy wannabe. 

They all came and made a circle around me. 

Why does trouble always come my way?

Hey Guys! How are you? Did you like this chapter? Feel free to leave any suggestions to make this story better or your opinions in the comments section below. 

Anyways, bye and see you in the next chapter. 

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