Chapter Three

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Sitting in the middle of the room on the floor, I closed my eyes while crossing my legs and lifting my hands in the air. My head was facing the ceiling as I tried to reach out to Omar, but my magic was being blocked.

There was a barrier around the house trapping my powers from extending, so it was useless to try something else.

I wanted to punch something badly but I decided against it and went and lie down on the chair. Getting into a comfortable position, I closed my eyes and awaited for sleep to come which felt like forever.

I was dreaming about the beautiful shades of red when I felt an arm tightening around my waist making me wonder who the arm belonging to.

Slowly opening my eyes to see that I was no longer on the chair but the bed, with Alejandro tightening grip on my waist as he slept peacefully. Seeing him sleeping so peacefully, I just had to be the one to wake him up.

Looking at his peaceful face, my mind was filled with the possible outcome of my action, but my heart was ready to jump out of my chest if I backed out.

Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand  and gave him a very nice slap across the face which made him wake up in an instant.

"What the fuck was that for?" He asked angrily in a deep, sleepy voice which made me want to laugh.

"That was for moving me from the chair and putting me in this bed with you," I said, making me want to slap myself as well for  my terrible wording.

He closed his eyes, removed his arm from around me and turned in the other direction. "Get out before I punish you," he said calmly, as I flew out the room faster than the Roadrunner when it is running from the Coyote.

For some reason my heart was just screaming murder while my brain was trying to calm it down. Maybe it was because I badly missed Omar and wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in his arms while the two of us annoy each other. 

Weird, complicated relationship indeed. I know.

Going into the storage room, I grabbed a broom and began to violently sweep the already clean floor to clear my mind off of things.

"Why are you sweeping at six something in the morning and what is there to sweep?" A rough voice that belonged to Adrian while Elise was hiding behind him.

"Trying prevent myself from getting blood on my hands this early morning," I said cheerfully as he chuckled before walking away. 

"Good to know that I got the sane twin," he said to himself as he vanished leaving me with Elise, her eyes never leaving my sweeping form.

After some time of silence, I decided to speak.

"Have you seen Anna?" We both happened to ask at the same time making us laugh. Just by asking that question, we had already answered each others question.

"I just want to kill him so badly Liz. You don't even understand," I said, as I dropped the broom on the floor. She had an understanding look as she nodded her head in agreement, knowing exactly what I was feeling.

"Who do you want to kill?" A fuming Alejandro asked, appearing out of nowhere. 

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