Chapter 27

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Lauren was deep into the late hours of the night drinking it up with Shawn and Zayn at the bar. It had been a while since she'd gotten this drunk but with the week she's had could you blame her?

"I guess Dinah isn't showing up." Lauren mumbled, looking around the almost empty bar.

"Well considering she said she'd be coming around 9 and it's now–" Zayn said to her, looking down at his watch. "3 in the morning I'd say no, she's not coming mate."

"Of  course she's not, mani doesn't let her off her leash." Lauren drunkenly joked. "This is why you don't get married. It's still early shawnny boy, you can still back out."she added, patting the young man a little harshly on his back.

"Not every marriage is like that it seems, cause your dumbass is here." He countered, patting her back just as hard.

"Well Mila is too pissed off to give a fuck about her right now so it's easier for her to be here, she's kind of off her leash right now." Zayn joked to Shawn and by the look on his face, he didn't know about the situation at hand. "She's been ignoring Laur for almost–" he paused to think."–an entire week now right Laur? Looked at her for confirmation, she nodded with an eye roll and downed the rest of her beer.

"Seriously? How bad did you fuck up to piss her off to the point of her ignoring you?" Shawn asked her, a little surprised mainly because Lauren and Camila never fought, or at least never had a big enough fight that it became known to everyone around them.

"I didn't , she's overreacting." Lauren said bluntly, she didn't want to talk about it. She saw no point in talking about it because she felt she did absolutely nothing wrong. "I'm going to get another drink." She announced, barely getting up and wobbling to the bar. The only people left in the bar were the staff members, and that was only because they had just closed and were cleaning up but they were slowly starting to head home. While Lauren was at the bar persuading Justin to give her another beer Zayn explained to Shawn the whole Camila situation.

Which basically was that since their 'fight' Camila had avoided her at all cost and only spoke to her when it was absolutely necessary, she also continued to stay in the guest room. Lauren had tried talking to her a few times but it never went well, if anything things only got worse every time they tried talking about it, since Lauren still thought she was right and Camila still believed she was right. But that's expected when two strong minded people marry each other right?

After Justin refused to give her one last beer, she fell asleep on the countertop, barely hanging on to the barstool. So the next morning when she woke up fully dressed in bed, she was very confused. She didn't remember much of the night, only a few flashed here and there mostly of Zayn driving her car and helping her drunk ass into bed. At first she was mad and ready to kick Zayn's ass because nobody but her, drives her car but then she calmed down a bit seeing as he was nice enough to bring her home...But she was still going to give him a good right hook. 

        Seeing as she stopped drinking this heavily after she began getting treated for her ptsd, her head felt like it could just blow at any minute and she was so not used to feeling this way anymore. Needless to say she hated every minute of it. She could also hear the distant voices of the boys and Camila, and by the sound of it they were making breakfast. She gave herself a few minutes  to let her mind catch her up to speed which is when she remember it was Sunday and just like every other Sunday morning they made breakfast together as a family. Except well she was in her bed barely able to move with a killer hang over, having a terrible morning  and they were up and bonding and by the sound of it having a very good morning.

Before even thinking of going out there, she needed to get cleaned up because for one she reeked of alcohol and two this would only give Camila another reason to 'bitch' at her. She took a fairly long shower and got dressed for the day but not before taking two aspirins.

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