Chapter 28

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Things between Camila and Lauren had gotten better over the past couple of weeks, they began working on their issues and both were making an effort to fix things. Lauren was trying to be better with communicating and taking Camila into consideration when making decisions that would affect them both.

Right now however she was keeping things from her wife, but not because it was anything bad. It was a surprise for her, today was their 1 year anniversary and Lauren had something special planned for her wife. In her ideal plan they would probably be on a private island sipping mojitos, eating exotic meals and eating fruit covered in melted chocolate off each other. Skinny dipping at midnight, and non stop sex anywhere and everywhere, yup that was Lauren's dream 'honeymoon'. They still had yet to go on an actual honeymoon because let's be real Hawaii was more like a family vacation. The plan was to go off on their own for there 1 year anniversary but plans changed when Kelsea came along. She had just turned a month old about 3 days ago so there was absolutely no way they would be going away anytime now.

The one thing that sucked about getting married in December was that it was snowing and freezing cold, so that alone put a damper on things. Not being able to go off to some hot weathered island and cold water beach didn't leave her with many  options. The fact that they only had this one afternoon to themselves also wasn't helping. She was really constricted but after some time spent on Pinterest she came up with something almost romantic.

"Wow this place looks really incredible." Stacy said in awe, as she walked into the house. Lauren had taken out the furniture and set up a white sheet tent, covered in string lights, inside were fluffy blankets and pillows. It was facing the wall because Lauren had set up a projector, so they could watch movies although she hoped they wouldn't be doing much watching of movies.

"Thanks, I hope she likes it." Lauren said proud of herself, she didn't even put this much effort into her proposal. "And thanks for all the help with the flowers, Although I have to admit they aren't as romantic as roses but it'll have to do right?" She added, she wasn't happy with the flower choice but they were the traditional flowers for the 1st year of marriage anniversary and Somehow Camila had convinced her to go along with this stupid tradition.

"As a florist I shouldn't pick favorites but I have to agree roses are the most romantic, they just scream passion." She said, agreeing with Lauren. "But carnations are pretty cute." She said also defended the other flowers.

"Ehh, I guess." She said, shrugging. She wasn't their biggest fan but she knew Camila would appreciate the gesture. "Well we should probably get started we still have to unload the rest of them." She added, gesturing to the two vases of flowers in her hands. She had bought 365 all shades of pink and bi-colored pink ones. She thought about getting red ones but it would just look like the cheap version of roses and she didn't want that.

They spent their time unloading and setting up the vases of flowers, they had set up two rows to make a path to the tent. It looked like they were walking through pink bushes, with solar candles to light up the path way. She had also bought white roses to use the petals and lay them down in between the rows. She thanked Stacy for staying to help knowing she didn't have to. Not long after the fruit arrangement guy came to drop off her order. Just because they weren't on a beach didn't mean they couldn't eat fruit covered in melted chocolate off each other. She had also made it to the grocery store  and stocked up on Nutella and whipped cream just in case.

They had one afternoon away from the kids and she was going to make the most of it. Camila was at her moms dropping off the kids, and sinu was just waiting for Lauren's text letting her know everything was ready so that she could stop holding Camila hostage.

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