I am going to cut those balls and feed it to dogs

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"Come on Veronica we have to buy so many things." Nicole said as she was practically dragging me to I don't know which shop. Yes we have been shopping since the past two hours.

Let me tell you, Nicole is the biggest shopoholic you can get. Having a shopping addict bestfriend is very dangerous. Many of us know the pain right?

"Hello Veronica?" She said tapping her fingers in front me. I was zoning out a lot on this shopping trip and now she was getting irritated by it. She just sighed in annoyance and without even saying a word dragged me again.

Urgh!!! My legs would give up and minute.

"Nicole, please lets just go. I am so tired right now." I said sitting on the nearest vacant stop I could find. She gave me a are you out of your senses look.

She completely ignored me and started checking out the latest dresses I let her do the work and jus when I got a chance I escaped and started looking around the mall.

I saw a old couple sitting at the food court. The old lady was maybe too tired so she just sat there. Her husband bought an ice cream for her and she smiled at him. She ate her ice cream peacefully while resting on her husband's shoulder. He looked at her and smiled widely.

Isn't it absolutely amazing? I always admired marriages that lasted long. I mean its so nice to see to people in love. That lady felt so peaceful with him and the man looked at the lady with nothing but love. I felt the urge to go to them and talk. Its rare you get to meet such people.

"Hello Sir, I could not help but admire how cute the both of you were." I said to the old man. Both of them looked at each other and chuckled.

"Oh Dear, thank you so much." The old lady said and smiled again looking at the her husband. She reminded me of my grandparents. They were madly in love too. I mean my grandfather would not leave a chance of complimenting my grandmother.

"These days marriages hardly last, how did yours last so long?" I asked curiously.

"It is just that we were always taught to fix things that were broken not throw them away. I guess thats the key to our marriage." The old man said looking with love and admiration at his wife.I could not help but smile. I wish I could have something like this too.

"Yes you can have dear, just wait for it." The old man said. I don't know if I would ever get something like this. Even I want to hold my husband's hand at sixty and say that we made it.

"Did I say that too loud?" I asked emabaressed. Both of them laughed and nodded. Then I saw my phone ringing and saw it was Nicole. Oh fuck I completely forgot about her.

"Are you out of your mind? I am going crazy looking for you everywhere. Where the hell are you?" She yelled on the phone. Can't she slow down? I was clear that I didn't want to shop.

"Hello to you too Nicole. I am in the food court. I will meet you outside H&M." I quickly hung up the phone not wanting to hear her yelling more. I said bye to the couple and rushed to H&M.

"Are you out of your senses? Where were you?" She started yelling as soon as she saw me.

"Calm down I was just roaming around. Did you finish shopping for me?" I asked hoping to change the topic. Her face suddenly lit up and she started showing me all that she bought. We quickly ate our food and left for home.

"OMG Nicole, Ayan must be arriving soon I have not even packed. Help me bitch and stop sending slutty pictures to Jason." I said it on purpose to tease her. She blushed furiously. Did my virgin eyes see it right?

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