He unhooked my bra (18++)

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I was still on his shoulders hitting on his back. He didn't leave me even after my hundred requests more like they were my screams. This man didn't bulge. I was so mad at him. He can't treat me like this again.

"Ayan I will kill you. Just leave me!" I yelled again but it was nothing but a failed attempt. I don't know where he was walking to because it seemed like quite a while since we were walking.

"Cookie just shut up. Not right now. Sit in the car and we'll talk later." He said as he gently placed me on the car seat.

Wow! He still has his manners though. He made sure I didn't get hurt.

"What kind of behaviour is this? You can't insult Elliot like that. You can't fucking barge in my life like that." I yelled at him as soon as he sat there.

"And he can let this happen. He can fucking let anybody touch you." He yelled back at me and for a moment it took me by shock.

"That is none of your business." I said gaining my strength back.

"It is my business. I am not letting any fucking person touch you like that. I'll kill him with my bare hands if I have to do it." He said and pulled me closer to him. He looked into my eyes and there was so much anger in them. His face had gotten all red and he was trying so hard not to punch anything.

I sat quiet for the rest of the night. So did he. I was so worried to say another word because I didn't want to hurt him. I was still very mad at him. I thought about texting Elliot to just make sure he is fine.

Hey. I am so sorry. Are you mad at me?

I didn't know what to text. It just seemed like anything I said would be inappropriate. I cared so much about him that I was always very careful around him. He always stuck around. From going to the doctors to waiting outside the labour room.

What's happening V? Where did Ayan come from? Where is he taking you? Are you alright?

I can't imagine being in his place. That's not the way he was supposed to be treated. Ayan was being such a jerk to him without a reason.

I will tell you everything. Give me sometime.

He didn't reply for a while and I knew he was upset. I looked up from the phone to look at Ayan. He was looking a me and my phone. His face had a constant brood. I saw the car parking towards the office

"Why are we here?" I asked him but he didn't reply. He simply got out of the car and opened the door for me. I stormed out and walked towards the building.

There are so many emotions inside me when it comes to him. Him being near me makes it so difficult to feel anything remotely. Everything I feel is just too much. Anger, love, hurt and suffocation. Everything just goes to the extreme.

I walked into my office and was fuming with anger. This was a safe space though.

Let him come inside! I'll show him what it's like to be angry. Soon he walked inside like nothing happened in that amazing suit and a grin on his face.

God! How did he look so handsome in everything? I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he was literally the most gorgeous man on this planet. His broad shoulders, hazel eyes and brown hair.

Some model house definitely needs to bag him soon.

He walked inside and acted like nothing happened. He quietly went and sat on the couch. My body was fuming with anger. I marched towards him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I yelled at him and I am sure the whole floor heard us. I didn't care at all.

"That guy touched you. Do you fucking get it in your head? He touched you. Whatever I did was so much less." He said as he got up. He didn't yell back but his body was burning with rage.

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