Chapter 62: An Order to Kill

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Shrivelled, browned skin covered most of the right side of his face. His top eyelid almost fused shut with the lower and his lips formed a permanent smirk from the scarring. The front right part of his hairline disappeared, replaced by scar tissue.

"Thank you for being so prompt to attend, mages," he said in a deep voice.

The air of ominousness sent chills down Seiren's spine and made it difficult to breathe. She didn't recall the face, but she remembered this feeling of unforgiving fear. Hearing that voice raised goosebumps on her flesh and for a moment, she was sitting in the rain again, drowning in helplessness and despair. Her necklace burned against her skin.

"King Pollin wishes to express appreciation for your hard work and dedication with regard to recent events involving the Hannans' declaration of war and supporting your fellow countrymen. Our great country remains powerful because of selflessness and great prowess in the likes of you. Even from Benover, King Pollin has kept close observation of your actions and assures you your hard work will be well-rewarded."

"Cut the crap, Butterworth," barked Tahir Portendorfer. He leant forward in his chair and tilted his head to the side. "Why are you really here? Some of us have places to be, Hannans to kill."

Domic Butterworth smiled, although it looked more like a leer with his deformity.

"I'm glad you asked, Mage Portendorfer."

If it were possible for someone to unnerve Seiren more than Portendorfer, Butterworth had managed it. Portendorfer had the air of an untamable animal. Butterworth reminded her of a puppeteer: knowing every move, predicting every reaction, cold and calculating.

"I'm sure you are all here because of staunch loyalty to Karma and King Pollin and would obey the king's command without question, because why else are you state mages, sworn to protect the country? You're selfless, able to put others' needs above your own, the lives of Karmans' before yours."

He paused and spread his hands before him. Seiren's heart pounded.

"King Pollin has issued an order that overrides any and all previous ones." Butterworth smiled, twisting his scarred features into a sinister expression. "Kindly exterminate the population of Acrise."

There was a stunned silence.

"I beg your p-pardon?" stammered the mage beside Rowan, who seemed the same age, with spiky brown hair and a startled expression.

"You heard me, Mage Temples. King Pollin would like you all to exterminate every citizen in Acrise."

"This is madness!" said the female mage from earlier, Henley Culpepper, her eyes almost popping out of her head from behind her spectacles.

"Hanna is on the brink of invading Karma, Mage Culpepper." Butterworth sighed with the patronising air of explaining something obvious. "Karma has to make the first move or we suffer losses. Killing the remaining citizens of little Acrise is one easy step and only a small sacrifice. The alternative is wait for them to make the first move, catch us short, and we suffer greatly. Would you wish that upon Karma?"

The room was silent.

"I thought not."

"Why don't we just invade them?" said Culpepper, scowling. "Why all these fancy excuses and pretense?"

"History remembers, Mage Culpepper. Teirrin and Moakai may not take kindly to our neighbourly behaviours -- or even feel threatened--" Butterworth's lips curled in disdain. "--if they knew the truth. Of course, I trust you won't go spreading terrible lies like how we killed our own to initiate war now, would you?"

Rune Mage [Fantasy/Adventure | Book 1 +2 | Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora