Chapter 85: Traitor or Liberator

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Even long before they reached Benover, the thick smoke, regular explosions, and buildings that crumbled out of sight conveyed the disaster that awaited them.

"Isn't this a beautiful sight?" said Portendorfer as if ten birthdays had come at once, his eyes glittering. There was more life on his face than Seiren had ever seen. "Aren't your fingers just itching to throw some flash about?"

She could feel it as they neared. With each explosion and shower of flames and sparks, her fingers tingled, sensing each pulse of devastating magic. Despite the swirl of disgust in her stomach, she began to understand his passion. This was why flash mages are so keen to engage. Portendorfer took them through the gates to the city, which lay strewn open with nary a guard in sight, and onto the main streets where chaos soon greeted them.

"Seiren Nithercott!" shouted a familiar voice. Seiren craned her neck. Smoke-streaked and sweaty, Maura Woodbead dashed out, a gun in her hands. Seiren stared. She didn't realise Maura knew how to handle military weapons too. "Get away from him!"

"It's okay!" she said. "He got me back from ex--"

A pair of hands shoved her from the back. She almost fell face-first onto the ground from the rune motor. Maura fired. With a clap, Portendorfer conjured up a wall so hot the metal bullet melted on contact, splatting onto the ground with a sizzle. Hot air blew Seiren's hair back. She scrambled backwards, away from the heat.

"Stop, Maura!" Seiren yelled, leaping up and spreading her arms before Portendorfer. "He's on our side!"

"Like hell this bastard is," Maura snarled, marching over. "He was too happy to turn magic on us in Acrise!"

"Guilty," said Portendorfer with a laugh and a raise of hand.

"He has the firepower we need against these things, Maura, and you know it!" Seiren felt most uncomfortable defending him, but now was not the time to argue what he'd done. "There isn't another nullifier around for these things. If we are to get out of here alive, we need him."

"Don't forget I was his student once. I know very well the way this man's mind works," Maura said, frosty. "You can't talk compassion or morals with him. He's only in it for fun."

"I'm glad you understand me so well, my sweet." Portendorfer gave Maura a coy glance. She returned a murderous look.

"What will you do if he turns his magic on us, Nithercott?"

Seiren said, without skipping a beat, "Then I'll kill him myself."

Portendorfer guffawed, delighted. Maura surveyed him with a deadly stare, mistrust radiating from her core.

"Fine," she snapped, climbing into the back of the motor. "On your own head be it. Drive ahead, Portendorfer."

Portendorfer grinned and started the motor again.

"But--" Seiren started. The heavy scent of death was smothering. The trace of chaos magic Loren had left within her tingled. "I can help them--"

"If you want to prance around with more of your little monstrosities and let Pollin get away, be my guest," snapped Maura. Seiren gasped, her heart stopping. More of them?

Soldiers parted for them, weapons firing all around. Screams and cries came from all directions, squeezing Seiren's heart with guilt. Her creation. These were hers. This was her fault. She had to rectify it.

"Where's our next stop?" Portendorfer said as if they were on their travels.

"The palace. Kommora is meeting us there."

"Why?" Seiren said, her throat dry.

"Pollin congregated all the state mages together and tried to fry us all. We're taking him down," she said grimly. One of the creatures spotted them and leapt forward, teeth chattering. Portendorfer clapped his hands, summoning flash magic. The motor swerved when he took his hands off the steering wheel. A sizzle came from his fingertips and the creature erupted in white flames, so hot even the bones turned to ash. He laughed, a hollow, chilling sound, clutching the steering wheel again.

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