Rules! ?

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YAY, you're onto the next part of joining us! So we have some rules, like every other book club...

We will not accept any kind of bullying from anyone! Our top priority is for our readers to have fun, enjoy and be safe while doing so.

Rule #2: Complete weekly assignments!
If you not complete your assignments by the time we post a 24 hour notice, you will get a strike! 3 strikes and you will be getting punished! (Be removed)

Rule #3: Comment when finished with the assignment!
To let us know when you have finished, you will comment on the week chapter the assignment was given, saying you completed the required FOUR chapters!
Done with What Makes You Beautiful- Chapt1 and 2 @HarryStyles1
Done BOTW- Prologue and chapt 1

Rule #4: You must follow this account AND add this book to your library!
Following this account and adding this book to your library will update you when there are new assignments and updates!

Rule #5: Strikes! If you do not finish your assignments for the week, you will get a strike! When you get a strike you will be taken out of the next weeks assignment to catch up on your last assignment. Once that is done, you will be put into the next assignment. A certain amount of strikes will lead to either being kicked out or some other punishment decided by myself and the admins. To get rid of your strike completely, you must complete your pending overdue assignment.

Rule #5: Deciding BOTW!

BOTW is now chosen from a random generator. every members name is put into the generator, and then once they've been BOTW, their name gets taken out and this repeats.
this is so everyone can be BOTW at least once and a much easier way!

Rule #6: Book must be english.
As not everyone can speak or read different languages, your book must be in english.

Comment on your form your favourite colour to let us know you have read the rules!

In order to join you you need to:
Follow this account and one of our admins: Tianna_May   RavensAndAshes Aishwaryatenneti , CrownedMadness , CrazeReadology
Add this book to your library
Fill out the form which is in the next chapter!

Read the next chapter for the form!

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