The Nighmare Begins

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Hey there guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating like I was supposed to. Things happened over the year, lost the motivation to right and went through some other depressing stuff but it's fine and over with now. Thought I'd try and continue this story. So let's get to it! Enjoy!

Chapter 6: The Nightmare Begins

Crimson sat down on the cold hard floor of the office. She grumbled and rubbed her face slowly. She wished that she wasn't in that abandoned building.

'Why can't I just be a normal child? Who goes to school and does school work then goes home does homework and then repeat the process' she thought.

She sighed as she picked up her notepad and pen. Writing down a few extra things to keep her mind off the situation. She stopped writing after a few minutes and looked up turning her head to the right.

She looked at the door and wondered how it was to be at this school. Did the kids like it here? Were the teachers nice? She then smiled as she thought of her school. Being here seemed to make her miss her normal school life just a little.

"I'll be damned if I say I completely missed school. The work load is a pain in the a-" Crimson got cut off by a noise.

She fell silent and spun her head around to look at the door. Suddenly she was filled with a sense of dread yet again. That same sick feeling when she was being chased earlier.

'What is that?' Crimson thought while she stiffly twisted her head.

It sounded as though someone was walking outside the door.

No one else should be here right? Crimson swallowed down the lump forming in her throat. It's just a hallucination perhaps or maybe even an animal? The feeling got thicker as she heard the doorknob twisting.

She held her breath as she watched the door intensely. 'Please just be the wind, please just be the wind...' Crimson began to sweat nervously.

The doorknob turned and the door creaked open. Crimson stared at the door in solid fear. 'No' The door opened wider and came to a halt.

Crimson was stiff and could barely breathe. She looked at the darkness outside of the door. There was no one standing there but how did it open? She got up and walked to the door with weak legs.

'I secured the door I thought....' she got closer. 'I made sure I closed the door shut...' her eyes got wider.

She completely stood still as she reached the door. Crimson felt chills throughout her body. She closed her eyes breathing in slowly.

'Just peek outside... ' she quickly stepped out and shined her light.

There was nothing outside of the room. She sighed deeply and turned around only to come face to face with a transparent figure.

"AHHHH!" she screamed and fell back.

The door closed and Crimson was left in the dark. She had dropped her phone so she couldn't see. 'Damn it...' She tried feeling around for it.

"Please... I just want to get out of here..." She whined.

She finally grasped it and brought it up to turn it back on. She shined it to scan her surroundings.

"Anyone there? Hello?" She called out.

No response.

She grew tired of this game.

"If someone is messing with me KNOCK IT OFF!" She growled.

Just then she heard a moan. Her heart sunk as she listened. It was coming from the office.

She turned around. The knob started twisting again. She was about to grab it when she heard a scream. She ran feeling like someone was behind her. 'Why me? WHY ME?!'

She ran down the halls not knowing where she was going. She kept her light up to avoid running into something. Just as she turned the corner she felt something grab her foot. Crimson fell hard to the ground.

"Ugh, what?" She shined the the light on her leg.

There was a black mist on it. Her eyes widened.

"GET OFF OF ME!" She screamed kicking her legs.

Suddenly there was voice and her vision went black.


Sorry this one is short but I'm kinda out of ideas on how to carry out this story.  I do want to continue it though. I am thinking about uploading another story on here but until then this one is my main focus. Thanks for the reads and support. Later guys

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