Chapter Thirty

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This chapter is dedicated to booklovingwh0re and lelproth for supporting me with their votes. Thank you!

I feel like my heart breaks into two at his words.

Matthew just told me that without my necklace, a necklace he happened to steal from me, my seer will kill my wolf Scarletta and in return break the mate bond.

Something clicks in my head.

"You can't do that!" I manage to say in a protest, my fear peaking through my words. "You can't keep my necklace."

"Says who?" Matthew questions, his eyebrows raised in a condescending way.

"I am bound by the mate bond marriage with your brother." I start, my emotions frazzled.

"So?" Matthew asks and I gulp. I see his eyes widen as realization hits him and then, he relaxes quickly.

"If the mate bond breaks, he will be dead in less than a year! You know this!" I nearly scream out, my clenched fists hitting against the table in anger.

With the mate bond marriage which ties an Alpha to their mate and binds their soul to become one, once one of the mate dies, the bond becomes greatly imbalanced.

This imbalance weakens and eventually kills the other mate.

This takes a year at most depending on how strong the other mate is.

If my mate bond with Max breaks, he won't be the one who lives to suffer the consequences, I will because he will die and I would have to live with that fact.

"You can't be this heartless can you?" I scoff out, tears threatening to cloud my vision as the horrendous thought of Max dying encroaches into my mind.

"I want revenge!" He seethes, his hands pushing into his hair as he hastily gets up.

"He is your brother!" I get up as well, my loud voice cutting through the air as I bang my clenched fists against the table.

"He slept with my mate!" Matthew's eyes blacken, the change in eye hue brought about by the painful memory as he staggers away from me.

"So you kill him in return?" I sneer, anger evident in my own words as I walk to him and hold his arm, forcing him to look at me as I ask "You can't really be this much of a monster now can you Matthew?"

Matthew's eyes remain on mine for a while until they turn back to their subtle black instead of his wolf's vicious and threatening black. He shrugs my hand off his arm.

"Sacrifices have to be made when you have a goal in mind Lorena."

Matthew walks away from me after that, each step he takes more daunting than the last as his lengthening shadow intertwines with the woods beside him.

I am left here lost on what to do.

I need my necklace back and Matthew doesn't seem like he's going to budge on this stupid revenge of his.

But what other choice do I have?

Max could coerce him into giving me back the necklace, he has the power but I doubt I can bring myself to tell him about my string of lies after we are finally at a good place.

I have to think of another solution.

I pull my hood further over my head. I really need to figure things out before my situation worsens.

The DarkNess That Draws Me |✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang